Chapter Four

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Mornings at the farm really do the most in reminding me of my childhood. Back when I was 9 I would wake up just to join the rooster when it gave It's morning call but now I don't even bother. Everything else is now blurry...but mornings here used to be full of adventure; with the endless activities stretching all the way to the end of day without me even noticing. I really enjoy everything farm related especially this farm.

As I peeped through the window, I marveled at all the changes that Aunt had done to the place. I noticed that she had put in a tennis court along with several other recreational structures. These were to be of much help during fest season which was to start in a week and a half.

Fest season is a whole week dedicated towards entertainment and recreation, artist from all over Creek would come to the country side and they would showcase talents and play music for the people. This event was particularly beneficial to the host because they earned quite a lot from selling  tickets and renting out their property.


Got out of bed, freshened up then went down stairs to the kitchen hoping food would be ready and that's when it clicked - "Oh wait!", I said to myself, "Almost forgot that I'm the early bird around here". Back home I'm pretty sure I'm the last one to wake up in the entire neighbourhood.
Started preparing bacon and eggs, the quickest breakfast meal I could think of.

As I was about to finish cooking Mell came in and assisted me with preparing the table and waking up Aunt Rosa. We finished eating and started doing the dishes whils't talking about boys like we always did. Mell mentioned something about Christian being around and him having a girlfriend nearby. She even said he would visit the girl every week during summer vacation.

She knew how I felt for that boy, so I just brushed it off as one of her ways of trying to get on my nerves. So after dishes Mell and I started planning for fest season, calling up the services we would need such as catering and making bookings for the coming weeks. We spent all day working under so much pressure that I didn't even get the chance to ask Mell whether she was joking about Christian or not.

That night as I was preparing myself for sleep, my phone 'dinged' again and a text written,"wear the sneakers I gave you for fest season" popped up on my screen. The number was hidden and private, so I couldn't call nor text back to find out who it could have been. Feeling curious and some what frustrated, I chose to sleep.

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