Chapter Eight

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Back to Lisa's P.O.V

Clio left her satchel and as I was about to put it on my shelf for safe keeping, a box fell out and accidentally opened itself as it hit the ground with impact. "Wait," I said to myself noticing that a necklace similar to the one Christian had given me was peeking from the box. I couldn't believe my eyes, it had the same design, same colour and even the brands were the same. I took the necklace and put it in my drawer, waiting for Clio so that I could ask her.

Coincidentally Clio arrived seconds after holding a black bag with her. The moment she saw me, she called me me to assist her in carrying the bag inside. The weiredly shaped bag, certainly had its weight. We couldn't carry it all the way upstairs so we went into the guest bedroom downstairs. She told me to close my eyes, and when I opened them my jaw dropped.

Infront of me was one of my moms paintings she had given me through dad only days after her funeral. Dad wasn't stable after her funeral so I had to spend my days at Clio's, and so I must have left it there. When she showed me this, a wave of guilt washed over me as I thought about how I took the necklace...So I put it back and returned Clio's satchel back to her.

As we drove to her house we conversated, but something about her responses was off. I figured that something was wrong, so I pulled over on the side of the road and asked what had happened that morning. She tried to hide it but Clio was not the best at hiding things so I easily caught her. Being the smart person she was, Clio agreed to tell me but only under one condition... and that condition was that she tells me in riddles. I accepted the condition and so she said, "there's a boy that is known by 2 close buddies, one plays with the boy more than the other one and something is going on between them".

I just thought it was a joke so I laughed as I started the car but little did I know she was being practical. Her mood changed and she returned to her normal self. I still had a lot of questions to ask but as always it wasn't the perfect time. Dropped her off and went back home.

As I was driving my phone rung several times but I couldn't answer It, so I made a mental note to return the calls when I got home. Unfortunately Aunt gave me some chores to do so I eventually forgot. I received another call, but this time around it was Clio asking me to come over as she had something important to tell me.

Since I wasn't going on foot I sent a quick 'sure thing' and took off. When I got there I saw a girl seating outside the gate looking very disturbed. It was only when I Got out of the car and went closer I realised that it was Clio.

Conversation between Clio and Lisa

Lisa: Clio, what are you doing outside in this cold weather?

Clio: Is it cold, can't you see im sweating over here?

Lisa: Don't be funny, those are tears. What's wrong?

Clio: Promise me that you will take what I'm going to tell you lightly. You should know that this is affecting me as much as it's going to affect you.

Lisa: It depends, I'm also human right?

Clio: Then I won't say.

Lisa: Okayyy, I promise I won't

Clio: Please forgive me, but me and......

Lisa: It's okay take your time.

Clio: Me and Christy-I mean Christian have been dating for some time now. It's been about a year and half.
Lisa: (injecting fake anger) How could you?.... Hahaha I'm joking I knew, you are not the best at hiding things. From the day you showed up when I was with him something wasn't right and he did call you that night. Also the way you look at each is so obvious that even an animal could figure out. I'm just slightly angry that you didn't tell me sooner .

Clio: But..., but...

Lisa: Nothing, I'm the one who actually has some disturbing news to share. Open this box and see what's inside.

Clio: My necklace! Did I forget it at your place? Thanks, he would have been angry at me.

Lisa: No, that's actually mine; He sort of gave us the same necklace. Turns out you weren't the only one who was lying. He told you that  you were the only one with that necklace did he?

Clio: How did you know?

Lisa: lucky guess... he told me the same thing silly.

Clio: (chuckes), you make it easy to confess

Liss: I try...But how could he do such a thing That's very manipulative. I'm just as shocked as you are and quite hurt, I liked that boy and when he gave me that I thought it was important. So...I only wore it once because I was afraid to lose it.

Clio: (hugs lisa) thank you... that's all I have to say

Lisa: There there, I was actually thinking we pass by the post office and send him his necklaces'.

Clio: You would do that for me?

Liss: Correction for us, you mess with one of us you mess with both of us!.

Conversation ends

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