Chapter 13

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I perched up in the rafters of Mara’s temple in Riften, eyes narrowed as I watched various members of the guild enter and take their places on the pews. Mercer was here too, dressed in one of the brown priest robes and a gloomy expression on his face. I had made fun of him mercilessly when he put the robe on.

His eyes drifted up toward the ceiling, and then met mine. He gave me a quick wink before looking back at the crowd.

I fidgeted on the narrow wooden beam, my back pressed against the wall behind, invisible in the dark shadows. There was a window further along the wall, my perfect escape route.

Suddenly, I frowned briefly as the next person entered. It was Karliah, looking extremely pleased with herself and was followed in by one brooding Brynjolf, who I hated to admit looked rather fetching in his ‘smart’ clothes as oppose to his normal armour. Karliah wore fancy clothes in a failed attempt to look good. I couldn’t help the cruel smile that crossed my lips as I watched the dark elf try to make conversation with an uninterested Rune.

Delvin stood near the alter, nervously chatting to Marmal, who was composed and looked eager to marry the couple.

People began to take their seats, and I watched in abstract fascination as people made light conversation. There weren’t just people from the guild in the temple. Everyday citizens from the hold were gathered, waiting in anticipation to watch the feared-yet-revered Vex tie the knot to the slimy yet clever Delvin.

All of the sudden, Marmal clapped his hands together sharply, the noise cutting through the chatter like a knife.

“Ah here's the blushing bride now,” He announced as the door suddenly opened, revealing an embarrassed looking Vex. She looked surprisingly pretty in a simple white dress and wreath resting on her head. She smiled gratefully at the crowd as they clapped, but she had eyes only for Delvin, who looked awed by the sight of his future-wife.

I almost threw up at the complete look of love that they shared.

“Let's begin the ceremony. It was Mara that first gave birth to all of creation and pledged to watch over us as her children. It is from her love of us that we first learned to love one another. It is from this love that we learn that a life lived alone is no life at all. We gather here today, under Mara's loving gaze, to bear witness to the union of two souls in eternal companionship. May they journey forth in this life and the next, in prosperity and poverty, and in joy and hardship. Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?” Marmal said in a grand voice, looking at Delvin.

Delvin swallowed nervously, but managed a cheeky grin as he murmured, “I do. Now and forever.”

Marmal turned to Vex with a warm smile on his face.

“And do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?”


She didn’t get to finish her sentence.

There was a whooshing noise and a thud as my arrow implanted itself into her chest. Vex’s eyes widened and flicked to me, before she crumpled to the floor, her eyes burning into mine and a red stain growing on her dress. I tried and failed to shake the unease and crushing guilt I felt after that look.

Delvin was howling in agony, cradling Vex in his arms, but it was too late. The life had gone from her body.

Members of the guild rushed forward unthinkingly, except Brynjolf, who’s head snapped toward the ceiling ... toward me. He looked shocked as he easily found me.

My job was done. I darted along the beam, before opening the window and leaping out, landing on my feet like a cat despite the height. Now it was Mercer’s time to shine. It was up to him what happened next.

I began to run behind the buildings, but only got to the graveyard where the Thieves’ Guild secret entrance was before someone grabbed my arm, yanking me backward.

It was Brynjolf, looking furious and hurt. He shoved me toward the wall, and I felt my head crack against the stone. Dots flashed before my eyes, and I dizzily looked up at him.

“What in the name of the Divines did you do that for?” He growled, masking his pain. I smirked, but couldn’t quite pull of my devil-may-care grin as I winced at my throbbing head.

“I was doing my job,” I snarled back, and he gripped my arms and slammed me against the wall again, bringing his face close to mine.

“And what job is that? How could you kill your friend?” He snapped back, his eyes searching mine. I looked away angrily.

“I don’t work for you now, Bryn. You kicked me out, remember?”

“Is that why you did it? As a petty jab to get back at the guild?” He asked in disbelief, and I looked back at him sharply.

“I wouldn’t call it a petty jab.”

He snarled in frustration, his grip tightening on my shoulders.

“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you now, Viv,” He said angrily, and I smiled slightly.

“Because you’d miss me?”

Brynjolf’s face was close to mine, making it easy for me to make my next move. I smashed my lips against his suddenly, and I think he was too shocked to react at first, before I felt him kiss me back. I continued the kiss for a moment longer, perhaps enjoying it more than I should have done, before I swiftly kneed him in the stomach. He gasped and staggered backward slightly, and I gave him a brief smile. It was a low, crafty tactic, but Brynjolf really hadn’t given me another choice.

“Sorry, Bryn, but I can’t let you stop me now. Your guild will fall, and you will regret the day you chose Karliah over me,” I told him, before kicking him, sending him sprawling onto the cold floor.

This time, he didn’t follow, and I fled the town, just as the town guards ran to the temple, swords drawn.

I only had to wait half an hour outside Riften’s stables before I saw Mercer approach, now wearing his black armour and a miffed expression on his face.

“I didn’t get to kill Brynjolf – there were too many witnesses when he came back,” He informed me in a low voice, and I nodded.

“Yes, that was the same problem I had.”

It was a lie, but if it meant that Brynjolf would live an extra day longer, then I would gladly ruin my conscience, which was already stained by Vex’s death and countless others.

Mercer suddenly grinned, and clapped me on the back.

“You did well, Viv. You really are a cold-hearted killer.”

Why did that make me feel worse than before?


Author's Note: Sorry for not updating in ages!! I've been really busy with other things! I hope you liked this chapter though - please don't hesitate to leave a comment or vote if you think the story's good! Thank you! :)

The Skyrim Pirates (A Skyrim Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin