Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


My Thu’um echoed off the snow-coated mountains, and the lashing rain finally stopped. Wearily, I sat back down beside Mercer.

We had stopped here and made camp after two days of continuous travel. Mercer had wanted to make sure that the Stormcloaks couldn’t track us, and had made sure to drag our party down the most convoluted path in existence. Tired, cold and bitter, we sat in our make-shift camp not too far away from Markarth.

There was a calculating look in Mercer’s eyes that had lingered while we attempted to escape the soldiers. Now, it seemed as if he was going to share his thoughts as a look of grim determination crossed his face. Gudlin, Crusher and I watched our leader expectantly.

Mercer stood and began to pace the outskirts of the camp, hands clasped behind his back. He looked ahead as he spoke.

“The Thieves Guild is weakened – but so are we. We are the four surviving members of the Skyrim Pirates – not including any who did make it out alive, though I highly doubt there were are any. We need to make a new alliance – or, we can go back to one of our older ties.”

He stopped, and looked pointedly at each of us. I lowered my gaze as his sharp eyes met mine.

“The remnants of the Imperial Army are still our allies – they will aid us if I desire. When the Skyrim Pirates first made our deal with the Commander at the time, we were but a group of five – hardly a guild. Now it seems that history has been repeated a year on – we must renew our deal with the Imperials and get them on our side. If we help the Imperial Army to be rebuilt, then they can repay us by wiping out the Thieves Guild – and the only sure way we can do this is by marching on Riften … with an army,” Mercer’s voice was laced with eagerness and anticipation as he revealed his plans, and looked somewhat disappointed at the lack of response when he’d finished.

“Well?” He asked impatiently.

“Don’t you think that taking on the whole of Riften with a new Imperial Army is a bit … drastic? We could kick-start a whole new civil war,” I frowned, thinking of the consequences. A new civil war, seven years on from the last, would surely tear Skyrim apart.

Mercer shrugged.

“If that is what it takes to destroy the Thieves Guild, then that is what shall happen.”

“How do you propose we build up the Imperial Army? There are less Imperials now than ever before after the Dragonborn here wiped them out not a month ago,” Gudlin remarked, shooting me a glare.

“What else was I supposed to do? They captured and tortured me for too long – Commander Herecus had it coming,” I snarled, standing abruptly and gripping the hilt of Dawnbreaker.

Gudlin jumped to his feet and, growling, gripped his own two-handed claymore.

“You want to take me on, girl?”

I drew my blade, anger coursing through me.

“Stop! Don’t be idiotic – I can’t afford to lose anymore Pirates,” Mercer snapped, crossing the distance in a second and gripping my arm.

I paused, and reluctantly sheathed my sword once more. Gudlin grinned smugly as he dropped his claymore to the ground. I met his eyes and gave him a chilling smirk.

Next time, my friend, your head will be mine.

“Who’s in charge of the Imperials now if Commander Herecus is dead?” Crusher asked, speaking for the first time.

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