Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

Two days later, we were well on our way to Riften, and the town's buildings were visible in the distance. As we rode on our horses side by side on the long journey, and Sprig trotted along side, there was nothing else to do apart from make conversation. Over the past two days, I'd grown to like Jolgar and his sarcastic humour and wit which almost rivalled my own. Now we were having a long discussion about where the best place to live was in Cyrodiil.

"I'll admit, Bruma is nice place but I prefer Cheydinhal. I think the black and white buildings there are much nicer then Bruma's small houses," I continued, and Jolgar nodded.

"I know what you mean. But have you seen the statues in Bruma? I don't think I've ever seen statues so well made," Jolgar smiled, sounding a little home sick.

"Why did you move to Skyrim?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"When I left Cyrodiil ten years ago, it was nearly in ruins after the war. Everything and everyone I'd loved were gone. I couldn't stay in a dying province, and Skyrim was the obvious place to go," He explained sadly.

I thought about that, and sighed.

"How do you know so much about Cyrodiil?"Jolgar asked quietly, watching my face.

"I used to live there," I murmured, defeated.


"Yes. I came to Skyrim eight years ago from Cheydinhal. I left my family and everything I knew behind, just to get away," I explained, looking at him.

As our eyes met, I realised we had more in common then I had thought, and he seemed to realise that too as his green eyes widened slightly. We stayed silent for a moment before he started to say something.

"Vivian ..." He stopped and looked down, embarrassed.

"What?" I said quietly, leaning in towards him.

He looked back at me and leaned in closer too, but before he could say anything, our horses stopped in unison, and neighed loudly. Sprig barked and ran forward before I could do anything. My horse, a black stallion, reared up, sending me flying backwards. I fell heavily on the hard ground, and rolled to the side quickly to avoid lethal hooves as my horse backed away.

"Viv!" Jolgar called, jumping down and drawing his sword.

I jumped up and unsheathed my sword too.

"Sprig!" I called, rushing forward with Jolgar on my heels.

Just ahead was Sprig, fighting a couple of wolves. Relief coursed through me as we finished them off, and I turned to Jolgar happily.

"Thank Akatosh. Just wolves. At least it wasn't a-" A piercing roar halted my words, and there was a loud, ground shaking thud from behind me.

"Dragon!" I finished, wheeling around and putting the shield in front of my face as a stream of fire was pointed at me.

When the fire died, I looked up into the snake-like eyes of a blood dragon. I heard Jolgar and Sprig rush forward, and simultaneously we began to fight, Jolgar and I swiping and stabbing with our swords, trying to cut through its diamond hard green scales, while Sprig barked and snapped. The smell of burning wood invaded my nose as the dragon let loose more fire.

I swung my heavy shield at its head, stopping the flames as it roared angrily. Taking advantage, I dug my sword in its flesh and climbed on top of its head. I clung on as it swung its head from side to side, snapping. With a great swing of my sword at the beast's head, the dragon collapsed, dead. I jumped off lightly, and waited a second before the corpse began to burn before our eyes, its soul being absorbed by me. White light filled my vision and faint wind whistled in my ears. After a moment, all that was left was the dragon's skeleton.

I glanced smugly at Jolgar, who was watching me with an awed expression, and said, "And that's why I'm the best."

He laughed, and we walked back to find our horses, but they were long gone. Reluctantly, we began to walk the final distance, with Sprig walking at my heels protectively.

"So, uh, what were you going to say? Before the interruption?" I asked curiously, looking at the floor with warm cheeks.

"I don't remember," Jolgar said slowly, and when I glanced up at him, something in his eyes made me think that he did remember, but I let it go and changed the subject.

"Do you know that the Count of Skingrad's supposedly been in charge for over a thousand years?" I said quickly.

"Count Hassildor? How could he live that long?" Jolgar said disbelievingly, and I smiled with relief.

"Apparently he's a vampire," I grinned, and we carried on discussing vampires until we reached the town gates.

We entered Riften, and I took in the familiar streets and faces. I sighed happily as I looked around, smiling. After a moment, I lead Jolgar and Sprig around the back of the houses until we reached the Thieves Guild secret entrance. Before I pressed the revealing button, I turned back to Jolgar with a serious expression.

"You can't tell anyone about this place," I said sternly.

"I swear on my life that I won't tell a soul," Jolgar said, equally serious.

I nodded, and then turned to Sprig.

"Make sure he doesn't move a muscle. If he tries to run, bark as loud as you can and chase him," I told her, kneeling down and rubbing her soft fur as she barked in agreement.

"Do you really think I'd try to run away?" Jolgar asked as I stood up again, with a trace of hurt in his voice.

"I can't take any chances. Galmar's already going to have my head on a spike, and if you run off and join the Imperials... I dread to think about the consequences," I said, shivering.

He smiled slightly, and I pressed the button that revealed the stairs down to the trapdoor.

Pulling the trapdoor open, I clambered down the ladders, hearing the door shut above me.

I dropped down lightly, and turned to look at the Cistern.

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