Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The first phrase that sprang to my mind when I saw Blackreach was “By the Divines!”

Shocked, I drank in the sight with wide eyes.

It was dark here, the cavernous roof blocking out any natural light, save for a few cracks in the rocks which allowed a trickle of light. An unusual blue hue filled the air, giving this underground world an unnatural feel to it.

Large, blue mushroom plants casually swayed in an imaginary breeze, towering above us. Initially, my hand jumped to my blade, feeling as if the plants were watching me, but if they were, then they seemed passive towards the hundreds of soldiers which were milling around. Some soldiers sat around make-shift camps and fires, laughing with their comrades and seeming unperturbed by the weird vibe that this place gave. Perhaps only I could feel it.

Dwarvern ruins and paths also decorated the cavern, along with amazing waterfalls cascading into large crystal lakes below.

“I told you that Blackreach was odd,” Mercer smirked, and my open mouth snapped shut as I shook my head.

“And I told you that I’ve seen stranger things.”

In truth, Blackreach was probably one of the weirdest places in Skyrim that I’d ever seen, and would certainly be somewhere I remembered for the rest of my life.

A faint tinny, whining noise was starting to get on my nerves as I stood looking at the underground world in awe. It was a familiar noise, and somewhat reluctantly I walked a little ways away from Mercer and the group towards the source, knowing that the noise wouldn’t disappear on its own.

I stopped abruptly as I found the source, but it wasn’t what I had expected. Instead of a normal Nirnroot, this plant was crimson instead. Surprised, I only dithered for a second before uprooting the plant and putting it in my apothecary satchel.

“Are you finished picking flowers yet? I’m on a tight schedule.”

I turned and glared at Berifor, who looked untroubled by my glower.

“Yes, you may proceed,” I replied coldly.

The Elf strode down the steps, completely in his element as soldiers acknowledged his presence, and muttered “Sir.” I rolled my eyes as the two soldiers in our group waited for me to go next. Their eyes flickered nervously away from my face as I looked at them, and I wondered absently whether they were afraid of me. They needn’t be – just yet.

After all, they were unaware that I was the Dragonborn.

We were led to the closest building, a small Dwarvern dwelling, tiny in comparison to the other ruins as well as being completely intact.

The soldiers looked at Mercer and I with wary eyes, pausing their conversations to watch us pass. Despite my cool exterior, the multitudes of eyes were making me nervous, and reminded me of the fact that the place was swarming with my old enemies. It couldn’t be long until someone recognised me, and wanted revenge for their lost comrades.

Berifor stopped at the gleaming golden door, and knocked hastily. There was a pause, before the heavy door was pulled open with a metallic groan.

The Elf turned to the two soldiers behind Mercer and me.

“Go and see if Frey’s companions have been found,” he ordered.

“If you can push the Nord into one of the Dwarvern traps – preferably the slicer – I’ll pay you a hundred septims,” I called half-hopingly after their retreating backs, and Mercer laughed but hid it with a cough.

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