"This is what I was trying to show you," I said, looking at him in hurt. "You can't stick up to your words. You cannot fulfill a single wish of mine. Your words are empty. You are a liar, Karam. You are just a talker."

His mouth closed at the sudden accusations.

I sniffled softly while looking away, feeling his gaze on me. "I want to talk to her. She is your sister, not some devil. She won't hurt you for just wanting to visit her."

"Why do you want to visit her, my mate?" He asked calmly, curiosity and guilt lacing his voice. "You want to know what really happened. So, you do not trust a word I say. You want me to say the same words in front a being you trust. May I call Savina or Valeria here? You will trust them if they say I am not lying."

I breathed slowly, staring at the wooden fence of the bed.

"When I get drunk, I dance. I have the power enough to not let the wine conquer me wholly. That night was different. Something happened and the thought of it shakes my senses. If I have touched her, then it wasn't me. My soul wouldn't go for a female like that. If I had to fuck females before you only, I would have had so many pups and hundred wives since the day I started understanding everything. And I still had been shameless then. But I am not. I am ashamed."

"You miss the point," I said in my cracking voice. "You hid the information from me."

"I did what I had to do to keep you sane. You were disheartening everything we were offering. You were sad, my mate." He said, desperately.

I clenched my jaws. "You danced with the women."

"I won't, again. I will never dance again in my life. Ever," he said lowly, making me feel his heated gaze.

I breathed angrily. "I don't want to listen any truth from Lucine. I would have done, had I been in love with you and thought of a future," I said through gritted teeth. "I do not feel good here. I need someone who hasn't hurt me yet. I need to see a face that won't bring anger to my eyes. I want to meet Lucine and get myself sorted. Amelia said, she has inherited your mother's mysticism. I want to meet her to make myself good, Karam. That's all."

My heartbeats were calm and yet so heavy, I could feel the thumps in my chest.

Moments passed and he didn't say a word. He was thinking.

"Would my mate forgive me if sister Lucine tells her the truth about my pup too?" He asked slowly, squeezing my heart.

"I won't give a fuck," I whispered blankly.

He didn't reply and got up slowly.

I gulped when he walked around the bed, but stopped at the foot to stare back at me longingly.

The sunlight in the room was allowing me to see the red marks on his knuckles that were healing. Some red patches were on his forehead and thick neck too.

Anton must have fought back.

My eyes lowered and stopped to observe the faint rays of skin beginning from the chest that was hardly exposed beneath the V-neck. He hadn't closed his buttons today and the edges of the collar were falling, giving me the view of those rays that I hadn't noticed before so eagerly because of his long hair. They were the color lighter than his fair complexion of the neck.

"I don't know what I can do to prove you that I am not the kind of male you have started to think of me," he said, making me look up in these amber orbs. His nostrils flared as he gave me the depressed look frustratingly. "Yes. I dance heartily. Yes, I dance around. This is the way I have been raised. This is what my elders would do. My aunts won't deny Robin the dancers until Nysa had arrived. King let us drink and ask females to woo us so we feel like the male we are."

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