Chapter Five

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With that it was a busy few hours for the long family. They finally finished up an hour before the event began. Jake sighed in relief as nothing terrible happened yet. Susan found her son and he stood to attention.

"No worries, you have a few minutes to relax. The early birds are coming in soon. Keep quiet and no eye contact. But make sure to be focused. Oh! They already are here get with the other waiters."

Jake was shoved quickly to the other waiters who were all some struggling college student.

"Man, this is so stressful."

A tall brunette guy with swept back hair.

"Good pay though, so I'm not gonna complain much."

A girl with her hair up in a pony tail spoke. Jake wasn't even being paid for his job, he volunteered for it.

"10$ an hour for a two week long event? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm good. Tips as well."

Jake really should have asked about the pay. No wonder his mom was so happy he asked to help. It was free labor from him. Jake and the waiters were spread out around the room. Simply offering small drinks or finger snacks for the guests. A man with a striped ascot walked into the room and Jake noticed the immediate tension. As the man took in the decor a kid his age walked behind him. Jake was confused with how a regular guy was here when he noticed people swooning. A model or actor, one Jake wasn't really familiar with. Jake paid the guy no attention and kept to himself. That didn't seem to stop the guy from going over to Jake.

"Ah, hello, I would like a drink. Please."

The guy's accent was nice, French from the sound of it. Jake handed the guy a drink.

"Thank you, rather boring event, huh? If a model trips up once onstage I'll call this thing a success."

Jake snorted and collected himself quickly. The blonde smiled guiltily.

"Sorry, you are working, it's just, you're the only one close to my age."

Jake made sure he wasn't being watched before responding.

"No problem man, honestly, I'm waiting on my girlfriend to appear and until then, I'm stuck here bored out of my mind. Debating on spilling some stuff on some businessman just to have something exciting happen."

The French boy laughed and took a sips of his drink. The boy shook his head and sighed.

"If only, wouldn't want you in trouble before you meet up with your girlfriend. Oh! How rude, I'm Adrien."

Adrien gave a head bow since the two touching would get Jake in immense trouble. Jake smiled glad that Adrien was respectful.

"Jake, my mom is the caterer to this whole event. My little sister helped plan-out the whole decor as well."

Jake tilted his head over to the mini buffet of drinks. Adrien gasped as it was all in good taste. Lilacs and lavender surrounding some wine bottles on the side and a beautiful center piece.

"Oh, my father might be impressed, don't tell your sister. She could do much better than work for him."

Jake was about to respond but he caught eye with his mother. Who was glaring at him and pointed to shift. With a sigh Jake had to say a good bye to his pal.

"Sorry, work is still work. I'll try to talk when we can. Honestly, once My boo gets here it'll be way easier to hang."

Adrien smiled with his cup over his mouth.

"Hope you keep your promise. I'll suffer in my loneliness."

Jake laughed and quickly made way to the more busy room. He worked hard to make sure no incidents occurred. Especially when a server got the plates mixed up. Jake switched them before they could noticed and prevented the possible disaster. It was a few hours later when things died down. It was still mingling time for everyone until the first show would start. Jake felt rather annoyed that his duties as head waiter is the same as being the diplomatic American dragon. Jake spoke with Adrien a few times more. Adrien was a Parisian model, a rather famous one.

"I'm not really into all that stuff. I mean, good for you, it must be fun to model with cute chicks. Or dudes if that's what you prefer."

Adrien coughed at that one. He waved off Jake's concern and took a sip of water.

"I mean, both really, but if I'm being honest, I don't really care for outward beauty? I mean, it's just, it's rather fake and hollow. With all the beauty standards and so called for models, I find I prefer inner beauty you can only find when getting to know someone."

Jake blinked and was totally stunned. The Parisian looked to his new friend who had a look of awe.

"Yo Dawg, that was straight up beautiful. If that's so, got anyone in mind for that ideology?"

Adrien flushed and looked away.

"..two people, but I'm afraid they both like other people. My heart is really torn between the two."

Jake winced and nodded his head. He felt with having mixed feelings.

"Well, have you even talked to them about it? Or do they even know you like them?"

Adrien looked away a bit embarrassed.

"It's complicated. My-uh, at first it was just one of them. Then..Luka was just so genuine. In a way that, that wasn't like the other. But I can't just get over my feelings, instead they grew and now I can't decide between them. And, I guess neither of them know."

Jake sighed and quickly acted like he was working.

"It sounds like you haven't given either of the two a choice about you. Maybe, try dropping hints about yourself being available. Or try to see how they feel about you. I mean, it's worth a shot. Love is tricky, it's better to risk it, than wait. Because sometimes, it'll be too late and you can't get them back."

Jake wisely said a far away expression on his face. Adrien wanted to ask more but a cough brought the two's attention.

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