Chapte Three

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Danny knew something had to be up when Vlad offered this trip to his parents. Of course they were none the wiser. Vlad has invited the whole Fenton family to New York for some Ghost convention. His parents were excited as they never had the chance or money to do so. Danny knew from his mom that it was very real and was the most popular ghost con ever. Danny and jazz knew something was up but jazz was a bit too hyped up.

"I know Danny that he's your mortal enemy, but he got me a ticket to the Cain Fashon event! I mean, this is a once and a lifetime sort of thing! I always wanted to learn the psychology of a model. Do they think themselves like a doll, do they live life so differently."

Danny felt like he was the only sane one for not wanting to go. Sam and tucker gave him a pat on the shoulder. They were on break right now if all things, so it was even better for vlad.

"Hey man, don't let this guy get to you. He's sending you on a free vacation, if take advantage of it."

Danny gave tucker a withered glare. Sam put a hand on his shoulder.

"For once tucker is right. This is a free vacation. You could take a moment to relax. Rub it in vlad's face that he's not effecting you."

Danny smiled at that. Messing with the fruit-loop was always enjoyable. He got his stuff packed and frowned the whole time. They were so graciously flying on vlad's private jet. Jack had to squeeze in and they were off. Danny was suspicious of vlad but he made no moves. Danny frowned but decided to enjoy the flight a bit. He leaned back in the cushioned seat and relaxed a bit.

"Danny! I'm right behind you."
"Oh I'm sorry, this is sort've a once in a life opportunity. Really want to experience this nice private jet."

Jazz glared at him for his phrasing. Danny relented and got a sweet drink from the flight attendant. As they passed vlad with their tray Danny tripped them to spill the drinks on vlad. The attendant spewed apologies and they all blamed the turbulence. Vlad gave Danny a side glare who put on a innocent face.

"Huh, mistakes really just happen. Oh we're landing soon aren't we?"

Vlad calmed his expression playing his act.

"Why yes we are. Oh Maddie, I believe you'll just love New York, there is, well ghost con isn't here for just any reason. I hear it's full of spectral activities. Perhaps you and jack will find this well for your, studies?"

Maddie hummed in delight patting a air sick jack.

"Oh did you hear that! New York is a natural ghost hot spot! I wonder if the ghost are different due to placement!"

Danny frowned at what he was hearing. Why was vlad here of all places. Other ghosts to work with? It doesn't match up, there's something more to this trip that vlad wasn't explaining anytime soon. Danny jostled out of his thoughts when his dad was about to vomit. He grabbed the bag and passed it to his dad. Jack vomited and everyone was disgusted.

"Oh it's alright jack. We're landing now, so take a deep breath. Can we get a bottle of water?"

Danny groaned, if vlad wasn't going to be the end of him. Maybe his family would. They got off the jet and waited for their luggage to be unloaded.

"Oh Maddie! I am just so excited! Ghost con! We've been waiting ages to go."

Danny knew he was going to regret this, but he just wanted to be sure. Another dalv situation wasn't going to be nice.

"Uh, this is a real thing right? Like, brochures or-" "Oh Danny! This is the most scientifically found convention for ghost enthusiasts."

Maddie put hand on Danny's shoulder.

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