Chapter Nine

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Danny was faring much better in his hotel room until Jazz stormed in. Oh, right, she wanted a normal trip in New York.

"What were you thinking? You promised to leave the ghost stuff on the down low. THAT WAS ANYTHING BUT SUBTLE!!"

Danny rolled his eyes and continued relaxing on his bed.

"The only ghost stuff there was me. It wasn't my bad guy, some other dude's. So uh, dragons and ninjas are a thing apparently."

Jazz frowned at that before going to her computer.

"Dragons we've technically seen, but ninja's? Oh! Well, There is that famous one from a place called Noris-uh maybe it was noriville?."

When he gave his sister a look she pulled up the articles and blogs on the guy. He got up and leaned over her shoulder taking it in. Danny read up about the 800 year old ninja that protected the place.

"Huh, that's definitely the guy I saw tonight, but what's he doing so far from home?"

He knew he still had to meet with the other two later tonight. He searched up the coordinates on his phone at the same time as Randy was sneaking back into spuds place. His mom was fast asleep and Spud was nowhere to be seen.

"Well, aren't I lucky. Yo nomi, I met one of the shoobs you talked about. But uh, the other two are still in the works."

The nomicon glowed oddly and randy opened it to fall into a big ball of ooze.

"This is so wonk nomicon! What even is this junk?"

Over his head appeared a dark scene. Four dark energies glowed lowly. One with red eyes pointedly hypotonic. Next to it was a glowing purple butterfly, next to it a familiar dark wisp of the sorcerer's magic. Lastly, a dragon made out of shadows struck a cold feeling down Randy's spine.

"Four forces are coming together to create an end. Only four in hand can defeat the great evil. Remember, never trust a butterfly. Lest the world be lost to darkness and despair.

With that randy was shoved out of the nomicon. He stared a moment a little chilled by the message. The images of the world and people being darkened to dust wasnt pleasant. This was serious, nomicon didn't even give him more of a hint either. Which just sucks juice!

"What the juice nomicon, what does any of that mean? Ugh I got to meet with those guys soon to..we'll talk about this later."

Randy soon checked the time and made sure he had a lump of covers for when spud returned. He used the mask and snuck out to the roof. He found the skate park like the dragon asked and found himself alone.

"So this is the place.."

A voice spoke out of nowhere and randy held back a Yelp when he noticed phantom materialize.

"Dude! Warn a guy. What sort've ghost are you?"
"A halfa if we wanna be technical. Only half ghost."

Randy paused remembering Nomi's message.

"Half dead, both alive and dead. Life and death! Oh you're the second one!"

Phantom didn't understand that but Jake soon flew in.

"Yo, so uh, let's get some things out in the open. I'm the American dragon and I have domain over here as its protector of all magical and mythical life. As well mortal lives as well."
"Phantom, hero of amity Park, worlds most haunted place. I usually battle ghosts."
"Ninja of norrisville, one of my major villains has brought me here due to circumstances. I'm here to stop whatever evil plot he has."
"Dude same, arch-nemesis actually..well uh, like I said earlier, I'm a halfa."

AD frowned feeling a little left out but his arch nemesis is gone and if he was back that's a whole other entire thing. He coughed dispelling his thoughts and bringing the focus back to the main point of this meeting.

"Cool, so uh other than tonight, I think things are going alright."

The Ninja paused before wincing.

"Uh actually, I have some hella bad news. Nomi showed me there's going to be a rise of four dark forces. I only recognized like two and a half? A purple butterfly, like tonight, my guy the sorcerer, and some shadowy dark dragon."

AD paled at the last one and put his hand on Ninja.

"How did they show you? Are they a psychic?"
"I mean, in a way, nomi is short for nomicon. The ninja book that has all the secrets of everything about the ninja which they-I record. It's enchanted so It's also magical so it's basically sort've alive and it trasnsports me inside of it. Yeah, its pretty insane."

The two blinked barely understanding what The Ninja was saying.

"Hold up, you said four forces."

The Ninja nodded trying to describe the fourth one.

"Creepy red eyes, kinda like a cliche villain."

A Phantom sputtered as he laughed.

"Yeah, that's, that's the frootloop. Wow! Okay, so uh four bad guys are teaming up. Nothing else?"
"Uh four equal forces must rise up to fight against them. Oh and never trust a butterfly, whatever that means.."

AD looked at them raising an eyebrow.

"Last I checked there's only three of us. But I think I know who our fourth guy is. Remember the cat guy?"

The Ninja nodded, he almost forgot about the black suit guy who destroyed the butterfly.

"Destroy...and you said cat?! Oh man! He's definitely our guy. But how do we get to him. He came in last second and disappeared pretty quickly after."

AD smiled as he turned to them.

"I know a guy who can help. But that's gonna have to wait for tomorrow night. For now, we should all stay low. You guys said you're super famous where you're from. It's gonna be mad suspicious if they catch wind of y'all here in New York."

The other two nodded and Phantom smiled sheepishly.

"I was already kinda pushing it when I came here. Really didn't expect last night and I was nearby. Uh, honestly it's different from any possession I've seen."

AD nodded not use to it either. The Ninja shrugged not really bothered by it.

"It's mostly similar to what I deal with. Although most people become big hulking screaming monsters..But the butterfly was different. Oh' that reminds me. I got a really weird message about that. Nomi said to remember to never trust a butterfly. Whatever that means."

Phantom and AD groaned at that.

"Foreboding vague helpful tip? Where have I heard that before?"

Phantom drawled out shaking his head. AD scoffed giving them a knowing look.

"Imagine having a mentor who you see 24/7 with all your lessons and talks being that. Man, I hope we get to that cat guy. He probably has a better idea about it. It's getting late and this dragon has um some stuff to get to. Magical creatures and Diplomatic stuff and all that."

Phantom nodded before coughing.

"Yeah, yeah! Uh, ghost stuff and what not."

The Ninja looked at the two and rolled his eyes.

"It's late and I'm going to bed. At least I'm not ashamed to admit it. The testing of the mind isn't something this ninja takes light of. See ya! Smoke bomb!"

With their heightened senses the two were thoroughly disgusted by the smell. They flew off in different directions each going to their bed for now. They had to rest up for now and lay low. After all, this was the week of the end of the world.

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