Chapter Seven

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The dragon was something Adrien thought he would never see. He blinked and Plagg floated lazily.

"So dragons are a thing."

Plagg laughed before quickly realizing Adrien was glaring at him.

"Ugh, there are more magical creatures besides me. They are hidden from the mortal world for a reason. Look, dragons are the protectors of the magical community, and have some assigned to certain regions. I never knew america had one. I guess this is it, but we can't let him handle this. This is hawkmoth, but, we can't just reveal you."

Adrien frowned as he watched the dragon fight his battle. The dragon didn't know what they were dealing with and they didn't have ladybug. Plagg knew his holder was going to battle no matter what. It was a matter of stalling. Luckily another thing came out of nowhere to help.

"Yeesh! What sorta freaky fashion show is this. A dragon and a tacky designer."

A boy floating in the air said. He was ethereal to Adrien's best conclusion, his hair stark white and green eyes that glowed. Adrien noticed that under his torso was just a black wisp of something.

"Huh, a ghost?"

Plagg mumbled snacking on some cheese. Adrien was dumbfounded but so was the dragon and akuma. At least he wasn't alone in the confusion. The akuma quickly grew frustrated and threw out blasts from their pen that the two dodged. Adrien gasped recognizing where the akuma was in.

"There has to be some way to stop the akuma Plagg."

Plagg floated around Adrien yawning.

"You got to use your Cataclysm on the akuma as soon as it's released. Which means you have to time your entrance precisely. Get the akuma and sneak away in time that no one realizes chat noir is in town."

Adrien nodded his head at Plagg. It was the best plan they had and it would require for the other two to manage to destroy the akuma. He'd just have to have faith that somehow that will happen. Randy was, in every sense of the word, oblivious. Yet, when Spud got a call from Jake it sounded concerning. Spud acted weirdly trying to not be suspicious about leaving Randy alone. Randy acted ignorant to his excuse to leave. Randy went out the other way and put on his ninja mask. He followed Spud silently, hidden on top of the roof tops. Randy followed him to a old shop. Randy saw Spud head to the back with Trixie and Rose. Randy squinted his eyes in suspicion and looked around the building.

There was a small window that gave a good view of the back room. A wrinkly dog stood up and began to speak like it was normal. Randy was more weirded out with what it was saying.

"Jakie is in trouble. Some weird monster person, it sounds like possession but it's not right. I say dark magic at best is being used."

A old Asian man entered Randy's sight, they looked grim.
"Dark magic as in.."

The talking dog shook his head at that.

"No, nothing like..Him. It's ancient and might be something that's out of our reach. We haven't heard from well, fu in a long time."

The old man hummed scratching his chin.

"Perhaps, it might be, but it could tie in as well with other dark magic beyond our knowledge."

From what it sounded to randy, it was the sorcerer's work or even the sorceress's.

"Well we must assist Jake, where is he again?"
"Uhh, at the Cain fashion event..."

That was all Randy needed to hear as he made his way there. He got in time to see three figures in the ball room dueling it out. One a dragon, one less monstrous but clearly nonhuman. And lastly, a odd fashionable villain that was shooting beams from a pen.

"Uh, what the cheese is going on here?"

The villain groaned a purple butterfly over their face appearing.

"Another one? How many more of you are there?!"

Randy pulled out his his smoke bombs and quickly distracted the villain.

"So, dragons are a thing! I am totally on your side buddy. Nomi told me, and uh, well, the rest are confusing. But hey, at least one thing was right! That's a start! So uh, what uh, what's with floaty?"

Floaty in question scoffed.

"I'm phantom, and I'm here to stop this..weird possessed person with powers from harming people."
"I'm the protector of America and local dragon to New York."
"Ninja of norrisville, I took a trip from home and decided to help. Okay, so good guys, bad guy?"

Randy said pointing his sword at the akuma. Who was getting up and blasted at randy.

"I don't have time for this! I will show the world to appreciate my art! I am a much better designer than the foolish Gabriel Agreste."

Jake was too focused on the fight to realized he heard a voice from behind him go 'preach'. Randy blinked and dodged the ray. Danny blasted the person with a green energy from his hands which the villain dodged.

"For a possessed person, this is really good fighting skills. And uh, much different than any of my guys."

Danny said as he tried to keep the villain down.

"It's dark magic, something I'm familiar with. But, it's different, it's like, some other form of it that I have no clue how to deal with it."

Jake said as he smacked the villain back from hitting Randy.

"Ok, so uhh, this is most like my sort of dark magic stuff. It's an item that's keeping them like this. We just have to destroy it."

They were all silent before coming up with the solution.

"The pen!"

They said and the villain let out a large blast that none of them prepared to dodge. In a blink of an eye they were being tied down by cloth. They struggled as the villain looked over them.

"Pathetic, it took you that long and yet I still defeated you all? I have much to do now without you obstacles in the way."

Danny boredly blinked up at the villain.

"Okay, sure, now, uh, why did you say your name was again? I mean, these fabrics are amazing, I wanna know your name in the future as a stylist" "oh! Well they are my own design and blend; it's hard to get the perfect ratio too-Wait! You're stalling-"

Danny put his hand on the floor and cloths and turned it intangible. Which in turn, released the three from the villain's grasp.

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