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Walking back down was awkward to say the least, but none of our family had any kind of idea what had just happened upstairs.
"You find it okay?" His mum asked me gently and I nodded silently, still in shock from what her son had just done to me only a floor above.
I look at T to see him sipping his wine, completely unbothered and unaware as to what was going on around him. I roll my eyes. How does he manage to act like he doesn't care all the time?
I uncomfortably make my way back to my seat and sit quietly for the remainder of the dinner.
It dragged on but eventually we left and went next door back to our own homes. My parents chatted away, pleased with their new neighbours and how well they got along.
"The son was nice wasn't he Jude?" My mum asks innocently, completely oblivious to what had just gone on.
"Um- yeah he seemed nice," I reply.
"Intelligent, well mannered!" My dad chimes in.
"Oh yeah he's real perfect."

The school week sped by and it was already Thursday morning. I was getting ready for school, feeling some kind of new found confidence as I hitched up my skirt way past mid thigh, and pulled my knee socks up over my knees. I look in the mirror judgingly, adjusting my hair and staring at my heavily made over face. Try hard.
Making my way downstairs quietly, swinging my back over my shoulder. I was already late enough so I quickly grabbed an apple for breakfast for on the way there and leave.
Speed walking down the cobbled street to the bus stop, I start to regret the effort I put into school today. Do I look like a slag? Are people gonna think I look stupid? I knew I was overthinking it far too much but I couldn't help it it was just my nature.
I peek round the corner. He wasn't here today.
I felt something sink in my stomach but I ignored it.
The bus journey was quiet as usual, this time I didn't have him on the same bus as me to worry about.
Poppy was waiting outside of school for me when I got there.
"Hey bitchhh!" She grinned at me. Someone's in a good mood, it'll be seconds before she puts me in one.
"Hii, how are you?"
"I'm not too bad. How are you and lover boy?" She nudges me knowingly. I'd told her about the other night, obviously. How he kissed me, propped me up on the sink, kissed me all up my neck...
"Shut up! There is nothing between me and that boy." I laugh it off, even though I knew I was lying straight through my teeth- to my best friend!
"Whatever you say," she laughs back.
We're laughing together still mid conversation when we walk past him. He's with a group of boys, he's settled in quickly clearly and already has tons of friends. He locks eyes with me as I walk past, my mouth goes dry and I almost forget to even carry on walking. I feel poppy tightly grip my hand, snapping me out of it instantly.
"God, what is up with you?! You're like bloody Romeo and Juliet!" She giggles to herself at her poor joke. I sigh, blushing at the half interaction me and Timothée had just shared.
"God, genuinely slap me please this isn't like me!" I cringe. I'd tried with my appearance, attempted to make myself look like some kind of bad bitch but here I was blushing when we even made eye contact! Ridiculous.
Before I even blinked it was 4th period, the lesson before lunch time. Spanish. My least favourite subject by far. Poppy wasn't even in this lesson, she did French the lucky thing. I had friends in this class but nobody Id associate with outside of it. I walked in and found my seat, ready for another hour of drivel to have to listen to.
We were about five minutes into the lesson when he walked in.
Yes, you know who I mean when I say he.
Timothée had walked in at the most awkward time as usual.
He stumbled into the classroom.
"Sorry I'm late miss, I'm new. Only just finding my way round," he said calmly. Clearly completely unbothered he was so late.
"Ah yes! You must be Timothée!" My Spanish teacher replied over-enthusiastically. He nodded back.
"Your seats there, behind Jude," she pointed right at the seat behind me and I feel another blush spread across my cheeks. For fucks sake. As if this lesson couldn't drag any more.
"You must be the one that failed Spanish?"
He nodded. He was evidently embarrassed she had just exposed him for being in a lesson with people two years below. The class erupted in murmurs and faint laughter. I could hear girls around me getting excited about the new boy being in a lesson with them, like little kids.
His eyes found his way to me. He stared at me the entire time as he found his way to his seat.
As the lesson went on I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head so I turned around, and to confirm my suspicions, he was staring at me.
I knew the staring continued so I turned around again, to see him still staring at me.
"You want to stare at me any longer?" I hissed at him quietly, making sure nobody heard me. Elliot was also in this class and I wasn't too keen on making me and T a public thing.
He grinned back like a Cheshire Cat. What was he so cocky about?
"Got to look somewhere haven't I Jude?"
What a cocky response from a cocky boy. It aggravated me but at the same time, and I hate to say it, turned me on. He leaned forward so only I could hear him. I could feel his breath on my ear now and it made my breath hitch in my throat.
"And when you lean forward, I get a nice little view," I could practically hear the smirk spreading across his face. What a perv.
Around 10 minutes later. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Why did he feel the need to bother me?
"Hey," he whispered to me.
I turn around fully so we're face to face, it takes him by surprise.
"What?" I snap back, annoyed by his presence, or at least I could try and act like I was.
"So I'm having a party this weekend? I figured you'd be interested. Seem like the party type," he said, ever so calm as always. The party type? What was that supposed to mean? If it had been me inviting him to a party I'd have been stuttering all over, my face bright red.
"Is that an invite?" I reply, trying to keep my cool.
"Yes Jude. That's an invite. Now would you like to come? You can bring your friend I always see you with," his eyes darken. Someone was not in a playful mood, seeing him so serious was scary, it reminded me of how he was in the bathroom.
I barely even manage to utter out a reply before he speaks again.
"I'm taking that as a yes. Also, wear something that covers you up a bit more. You know that's only for me."
I turn around quickly and shrink into my seat. My face slowly turning into a human tomato. Fuck.
The one thing I knew was I'd be wearing the shortest outfit in my wardrobe.

Elliott stopped me after the lesson. He looked down at me, scratching the back of his neck. Evidently nervous.
"What was all that about in there? With that new boy?" He asks quietly, clearly bothered about what he saw.
"It's nothing! Just some party, I probably won't go," I smiled tightly, reassuring him.
"Good, boys like that aren't any good for you," he smiled. He was still clearly not reassured enough but it's the best I could do. I didn't want to lie to him but it was better than upsetting him in any way. He put his arm around me as we walked away, and I hate to say it but I cringed slightly as I felt his arm on my shoulders, and I wanted to wriggle away.


Poppy was sat with another group of girls when I got into the lunch hall. I catch her eye quickly and signal for her to come sit with me separately.
"Oh my God," is all I say as we sit face to face, a plate of chips to share inbetween us.
"Whatttt J?" She replies, anxious to see what I'm gonna say.
"Guess what we're doing this weekend?"
I pause, waiting for a guess from her, but unsurprisingly she was impatient and just wanted to know straight away.
"Jude. Stop it please! Just tell me."
The most impatient girl I know.
"Me and you, are going to a party this weekend."
A smile spread across her face. She was clearly ecstatic.
"Who's?" She asked, almost shouting.
"Sh! And lover boy as you'd call him," I smirked back.
"Oh. My. God. Sorry but tonight you're staying at mine, and we're planning our outfits, and we're having a makeover, and we-" She was going on so much there was no choice but to interrupt.
"Calm down Pops! I already have an idea of what I wanna wear, and as much as I love getting ready with you, you know I can only get ready at my own house."
She looked disappointed but I knew she understood.
"God I'm so excited for this, mainly for you but maybe he has some fit mates!" She grinned.
Then I remembered Elliott might be going. Fuck. It was an on and off thing, nothing serious, but I still care for him. I couldn't hurt him in any way.
"You're thinking about Elliot aren't you?"
"No! Course not, he'll understand if anything happens," I reassure her.
She nods back. Like Elliott, she was clearly not reassured either.
Last period came and went, and I was on the bus again. Like this morning, Timothée wasn't there either.
On the short walk home he didn't seem to be either.
Until I heard footsteps behind me, it was him again.
"Hey," the footsteps finally matched his voice.
"Hi," I say back, melting back into the shy mess I turn into when I'm around him. He's now next to me and we're walking side by side.
"So, are you gonna come to the party?" He asks gingerly, not so cocky anymore now. More anxious to see if a girl wanted to come to his party this weekend. He seemed more normal.
It amused me slightly and I laughed, quickly shutting my mouth after. I hadn't meant to laugh out loud and I didn't wanna make him feel bad.
"What's funny?" He responded to my awkward laughter. I look up at him and the shy boy was gone, had I fucked it up already? Made him feel uncomfortable?
"Nothing. I just like it when you're like this. Not so cocky all the time," I tell him. An attempt at explaining myself and making him feel less embarrassed.
He paused and stopped in the street, taking time to take in what I'd said.
"I guess. I mean you haven't answered my question though. Are you gonna come?" He asked again. Almost completely ignoring my comment about his shyness.
"Yeah T, I'm going to come, obviously I'm going to come," I replied. Not bothered if I sound to keen at this point, he sounded almost desperate for me to say yes.
A wide smile stretched over his face when he heard me say this. He wanted me to come.
"Good girl," he said and took a couple of steps closer towards me. I felt that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach. Fuck. He looked down at me and tilted my chin upwards with just one finger so I was looking up at him. He then grabbed my face firmly with one hand, gentle enough so it wouldnt hurt and put his lips against mine and kissed me. I melted into it as his grip relaxed on my face and his hand made its way to the back of my head, tangled in my hair. Our tongues danced together naturally as he kissed me. His other hand made its way down to inbetween my thighs, not touching me but close enough for me want him to go further. I moaned slightly and he chuckled through the kiss, against my lips and I could feel his mouth vibrating as he did.
Just as soon as it started it stopped. He pulled away, a small smirk playing at his lips. We weren't far from our houses but he started walking again, I sped up my pace and caught up with him. We walked together a few more feet before the time came for us to break off to our own houses.
"I guess I'll see you tommorow," I said nervously before I went to walk away.
"Maybe," he grinned and walked off. Leaving me, as he always did.

Please comment and vote!!!! It's the only thing that keeps me wanting to carry on writing :)

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