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Maths was first. It was by far my least favourite lesson, it would drag on for what felt like hours and it didn't help that on top of that I was ridiculously bad at it. Poppy was first to greet me as I walked in five minutes late. She's my best friend really so you'll be hearing lots about her from now on - she's the only person I can tolerate really and probably one of the only people who are genuinely good through and through. I know I'm not one of those people so it's nice to have one right by me.
"Morning!" I smile cheerily as I pass her, towards my seat far across the room from her (we've been separated for distracting each other). She grins back, a smile full of genuine happiness and naïveté that almost makes me want to be sick, but I love her for it at the same time.
The teacher tells me I'm five minutes late and I shoot her a dirty look back, I'd been at this shithole for five minutes now and I was not about to take criticisms from this woman so early on into my day.
The class went on and on for the best part of an hour before the bell rang and we were dismissed.
Now me and Poppy could have a real catchup while walking to our next lesson. We took all the same subjects so we're always together.
"Sooo, how you doingg?" She dragged out every letter as she spoke like a ten year old.
"I'm in a good mood actually considering we're back here," I told the truth, I didn't like this place but the best thing I can do is be positive about it.
"Have you heard about the new boy?"
Oh god. She knows before I've even had a chance to tell the girl. Another thing about Poppy, she will find out any gossip the second it occurs and nothing gets past her.
"Well, he's my neighbour actually."
"What?! Why didn't you tell me? Wow, I would've tried with my appearance today if I'd have known some possible sex God was walking the same halls as me!"
"Oh Poppy please you always look nice, and if I'm honest I don't think he's your type."
Poppy tended to go for big muscly manly boys, who play for sports teams and go partying every weekend, and with all due respect I can't imagine this boy being the athletic type.
"Oooh, okay then. Well what about you?"
I sigh at this question, "Poppy you know he could be the love of my life and I probably wouldn't be interested."
"Oh come on J, little high school romance wouldn't hurt," she winked cheesily. I fake gag in response and she laughs, making me laugh until we're both in borderline hysterics. It was a combination of hyper ness since we've not seen each other in so long and a mildly funny joke from me. We laughed so much that I stopped looking where I was going and managed to walk into someone and find my head in some random boys chest. Not just any random boy of course, that would be boring. It was the boy next door. Poppy and I's laughing was soon brought to a halt as we realised the awkward situation we'd gotten ourself into. I look up and there he is, staring down at me like I was nothing, his dark green eyes burning holes right through me. It wasn't all doom and gloom though, there was a small smirk playing upon his lips as he stared at me.
"Uhhh, I'm sorry about that I wasn't looking where I was going," I managed to choke out.
He smiled confidently, almost belittling me as he did.
"Don't worry about it," he said in a soft well spoken voice, looking me up and down coolly before calmly walking away.
I felt a burning feeling spread across my cheeks as I watch him saunter off. Fuck. That was embarrassing even for someone who rarely gets embarrassed. Poppy bursts out laughing.
"Did you see that? Oh my God Jude pull yourself together! You looked like a little lost Poppy! Aw you looked so-"
"Shut up!" I laugh in embarrassment and she joins in.
"No but seriously I see what you mean about him my being my type, he is definitely yours!"
"I told you I'm not bothered."
"Well you should be, the way he was looking at you."
"Well- I'm not so."
"How old is he anyway? He's definitely not in our year, he wasn't in assembly this morning."
"I don't know maybe a year or two above?" I guess.
She nudges me with a knowing smile, "your type then?"
Ever since I was about 13 I've had a habit for going for people older than me, whether a crush I had on Poppy's older brother's friends or a couple of boyfriends I'd had in the past, there was always a bit of an age gap.
But that was why I was so closed off to any boy, boys older than me tended to just chew me up and spit me back out again. They used to take advantage of my naïveté, and I don't let that happen anymore.
I'm not going to be dramatic and say I have trust issues, that I can't trust any boy or anything, I'm just simply looking out for myself. The way I do things I won't get hurt.
"Most definitely not," I finally reply.
Our next lesson is English. By far my favourite.
Elliot's in this class, a boy who hasn't made it into the plot yet. He's a boy I've been on and off with, never anything serious though.
He's waiting outsidewhen we get to the classroom, moving his hair around. He has dark blonde floppy hair that he's constantly flipping to the side so he can see.
"Hey," I smile. We're never on bad terms.
"Hi," he greets me with a confident grin and leans against the wall casually. I'm guessing in an attempt to make himself look cooler.
"You have a nice holiday?" I ask. We'd just come back from summer half term, which meant a few more weeks and it would the be summer holidays.
"Pretty boring to be honest- there were a few highlights though," he smirks, staring right at me.
He's referencing the two times in the week holiday we hooked up. We are currently in an off period but girls have needs just as much as boys so why not? There was little to no feelings attached and my house was just a short bike ride from his. Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
"Sounds fun," I reply, dismissing the subject as it was only 10am and I didn't want him getting any deeper into it.
Our English teacher opened the door and we all piled into the classroom.
The end of the day came quicker than expected, nothing else more exciting happened. Poppy and I reunited with a few people from our friend group and had lunch but other than that it was uneventful. As soon as this bumpy bus journey was over I could retire back to my warm bed. I sat in the middle of the bus, being as antisocial as possible with both earphones in, sat on my own. I was waiting for a certain dark haired boy.
And he came in time, he hopped on, paying the bus driver politely and quickly finding a seat. He went to sit at the back- again, without so much as throwing a glance at me! God, and I thought I was antisocial. The bus started and we drove the short journey home, stopping every now and then to let people off. Eventually it was only me and the boy left on the bus. We reached our bus stop and the rickety bus came to a holt.
I grabbed my bag and stood up, I don't know whether the song playing gave me confidence or I'd just had a long day with no attention but as I walked to get off the bus I started to swing my hips flirtily, hoping he'd notice. I don't know what I was thinking or why I did it, since I 'wasn't interested' in the boy. My skirt went way higher than mid thigh and if I'm honest, barely covered my bum. I could feel him behind me, less than a metre away. If I reached out my hand I'd probably touch him.
(A/N sorry I called it bum I'm english lol)
I jumped off the bus swiftly and began to make my way down our street, still moving my hips side to side as I walked- the boy still close behind me.
Soon we came to our houses and as I got to mine I turned, to see if he was still looking.
To my surprise he was. Except he was right infront of me. Almost face to face.
I gulped subconsciously as my eyes met his.
He finally broke the awkward silence.
"Hi," I said back, unnerved by his strange calmness as he stood inches away from my face.
"I thought it was weird we lived next door from each other and we've still not spoken," he said. No smile on his face, no way to read any emotion across it, not even a faint smile.
"Uh-yeah, I guess that is kinda weird. I'm Jude."
Fuck. Had I embarrassed myself already? Every sentence that came out my mouth I instantly wanted to put back and reword, to try and make me sound less of an idiot.
"I'm Timothée, but you can call me T. Never Timmy," he said the last part in mock seriousness, making me laugh quietly.
"Nice to meet you then T."
"You too Jude."
The small conversation naturally stopped out of sheer awkwardness.
"I guess I'll see you around then."
He nodded knowingly and I walked away awkwardly.
"Hey neighbour?" He shouted after me.
I turn around quickly to see him still staring right at me.
"You might wanna be careful wearing your skirt that short. You can see everything."

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