Will you return?

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Black Diamond's POV

I continued to plead with the human, who stared back at me, in what I assumed horrid confusion and fear at my broken appearance.

"She'll have me shattered if I fail to bring you back..." I whispered, as I reached forward, my hand soon turned to liquid, sagging and drooping down, soon I was unable to move them.. "You don't know how... lucky you are... She's never loved something like she's loved you..." I grew too weak to stand, and simply laid out on the sand. "Not even... Me..." I muttered. It made me angry, why couldn't this human love Blue like I did? I would have never left Blue's side- I would stay by her side constantly, as if my life depended on it... But I didn't get that privilege... This human did. You have the privilege of Blue Diamond's heart, her attention, adoring affections and all... Yet, you've left her behind... It took me a moment to notice the human standing next to my broken form, holding a metal prod. 

"...Its for your own good, Black Diamond." Before I suddenly saw stars...

Your POV

I plunged the metal pole right though Black Diamond's head- which seemed to do the job of roofing her, as a cloud of gem-smoke surrounded me, and what was left was a gigantic gemstone...

The next morning, after leaving Black Diamond's gem to be protected by a tarp, signs and makeshift fencing I could prepare in one night, me and Steven were off to find the fountain. 

"Steven! Lets go!" I called to the young boy, who dashed down from the beach house and to my car. "Got the gems?" I asked, as he nodded and shows me. The gems glinted in the sun hazardously before I then made him close it, to keep them safe from shattering completely. He hops into the back seat, and I get into the front, before beginning our drive. It was a bit difficult with the map, so I had Steven holding the map, giving me the best directions he could. It wasn't too difficult but we missed a couple of turns here and there, but soon reached a dirt path, which would lead us to the crystal pad to take us to the fountain. 

The dirty path on the way was long, and twisted and turned every so often, but the nature around us was beautiful- flowers in bloom, wild life was flourishing because of the presence of Rose's magic still there. Some animals were pink, other flowers were pink and growing far beyond their typical capabilities. During this walk, gently guiding Steven, holding his hand, my thoughts wandered to Blue Diamond...

Blue Diamond's POV

I remained quiet as I sat in my throne, which was right under White Diamond's. Black Diamond didn't have a throne- as according to White Diamond- 

"Beings like Black Diamond do not deserve thrones. She doesn't shine like the rest of us. She sucks in light, and her darkness is an absence of  shine. She shouldn't even be considered a low level gem. She's less than that."

Personally, her words towards another diamond made me personally sick to my stomach, and I didn't even have one. I didn't really know why White Diamond thought of Black Diamond so lowly, must have been something LONG before I or Yellow was here- but my thoughts didn't dwell on Black and White Diamond's relationship- As I began to think about (Y/N), who Black Diamond had yet to retrieve. I was becoming restless, impatient without my (Y/N). Was she hiding from me? I'd hope not... It was nothing but a little fight.

"Yellow! I need to contact Black Diamond. She's taking too long." I demanded, heading off to her room to do so... only  to be stopped by a very clearly irritated Yellow Diamond. 

"No, Blue. You've bothered her enough!  She cant do her task with you bothering her so much." Her voice was firm, her annoyance very transparent... But of course, I didn't listen. 

"Yellow, let me though! This is (Y/N) we're talking about!"

"(Y/N) is a damn ORGANIC! She wants nothing to do with you! As a mighty diamond like yourself, the feeling should be mutual!"

"THATS A LIE! It was a little fight! It was my fault! I..." I then fell quiet, tearing up once again. "I miss her, Yellow... And I can't allow her to leave again..." I sighed.

"We'll get your organic, then they'll never be able to leave. Got it? Will that make you feel better? To get them a little place on Homeworld?" Yellow then pulled me into an embrace, allowing me to wipe my tears on her chest. 

"Yeah, it would make me feel better..." I whispered.

"So much better..."

//A/N!: Just saying hey, hi, how are ya? So, updates are a little inconsistent, and Im literally just forgetful but I do wanna know (Since you guys do not comment on the announcements! D;) What other X Readers might you like? Under rated characters  (Like blue) ? Gotta let me know in the comments!

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⏰ Última atualização: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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