Mercy Street

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Your POV

I wake up the next morning, yawning a bit. I then noticed I was still in the hospital. I then hear voices outside the hospital room.

"What are you doing with this human!?" A rather harsh and intimidating feminine voice roared.

"Yellow, they're a lovely human, i dont understand what the deal is-" Blue's soft voice spoke. "She's sleeping, calm down.." Blue said.

"Blue, you'll only end up in more pain, just like when Pink died!" The other snaps at Blue. I was naturally curious but also angered by her words towards my Blue. I stood up, wincing slightly. The two go silent as they hear the hospital bed shift once I move. A human sized Blue and a Human sized... Yellow gem walked into the room. 

The yellow gem looked at me with piecing golden eyes. I flinch quietly. "(Y/N)... this is Yellow Diamond." Blue told me, gesturing to Yellow Diamond. Yellow Diamond's gaze almost softened after a moment. She looks back at Blue. 

"... you're right... they looks so much like Pink.." Yellow Diamond's voice told Blue Diamond softly.

Yellow Diamond's POV

This was odd for me. A human to look so much like a mighty diamond. It scared me almost. She didnt have the pink coloration of Pink Diamond, but she surely looked much like her with your soft features and kind-energy. I sighed softly as I kneel down and help (Y/N) up to her feet. You looked at me.

I kept quiet. Blue smiled softly at us both. "Seems you two are quite.. acquainted." Blue spoke softly. I could tell Blue was... Jealous almost. I nodded and let go of your hands. "Lets go, Blue.. and (Y/N)" I said hesitantly before walking out from the hospital room. 

Blue Diamond's POV

I smiled quietly at you. I honestly was glad that you and Yellow somewhat got along.. but the way she looked at you made me feel an odd emotion that I simply couldnt give a name to. I walk over and pick you up, but you protested.

"Wait, but what if Garnet or one of the gems come by? they might be coming to pick me up!" You told me frantically. I sighed at this. Those crystal rebels are always trying to keep you from me.

Thats when the building got dark, and a single light shines above us.

"Y/N." I said firmly as you then left my arms but I held you close to me. 

"You're mine. You said you loved me, and if thats the case, Im your priority." I growled lowly at you.

"They're my friends- no, my family!" You snapped as you shoved me away. "I LOVE YOU BLUE, I HONESTLY DO, BUT IF YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME PICK ONE OVER THE OTHER, I'LL TAKE THE CRYSTAL GEMS ANY DAY OVER YOU!" I heard you scream loudly at me. Yellow stopped in her tracks. I just stared, wide-eyed as I just clench my heart. You're face suddenly turned pale and regretful as you then hurried off past me and Yellow. I just fell to my knees as I began to cry, which turned into loud sobbing. I just wanted you to myself. I watched you leave my sight and down a dark hall.

Have I lost you...?


//Also I hope you enjoyed! I might have a gemsona of mine come in!

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