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As the fight continued, it was getting closer and closer to the town as you continued to run though the forest, trying to get to Steven's house, or at least someone you knew.  You had been running for awhile at this point..

Your POV

I continued running though the forest, jumping over logs and running though the trees, as large debris missed me. My mind began to drift, as my legs began to ache, screaming for me to stop, but I couldn't, not with Black Diamond so close to catching me. Soon, my legs forced me to stop, and I fell onto the ground, curling up quietly. I was in a clearing, where it would be quite easy to spot me. I couldnt continue, not like this. I soon began to drag myself though the clearing, trying to push myself into a hiding spot nearby, a cave. 

"HUMAN! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Black Diamond suddenly snapped, her voice thundering violently, shaking the surrounding trees and such. She was so close... 

"Unless you want these precious gems to be shatt-" Suddenly, another voice boomed, but it was relieving, as it was familiar.

"Ahaha... Alexandrite." Black diamond hisses, steam soon coming from the sides of her jaw.. Alexandrite didn't speak, Alexandrite simply attacked, materializing Sardonyx's hammer, and swiftly moves towards Black diamond, within seconds the hammer collided with Black's abdomen, and sent her into the air, spiraling. 

Their fight was violent, as water and land was displaced during the chaos of the fight. I heard weapons clash with bodies and fire and molten blackness thought the forest and such. Their harsh words and wrath fueled fighting shook more than just the land beneath them. My stomach turned and flipped as the fight continued, the outcome at first unpredictable, but my prayers were answered as the demon called Black Diamond fell, gem littered by cracks. Alexandrite had won, barely.

Their gems were cracked, and Alexandrite was breathing heavily as Black Diamond soon simply dragged herself off towards the ocean, shifting into a sort of mermaid form. Her skin was covered by golden veins and such, and her eyes were cloudy as she then went into the water, having been defeated. I watched as the fusion came apart, and gems fell to the ground. 

Garnet had the worst of it. both gems on the near brink of shattering. 

Amethyst was delusional, and her body was falling apart, speaking nonsense and such.

Pearl was shaking, as a white liquid dripped from her gem. I fell silent as I quietly grabbed a sharp pole nearby. I didn't really like to do this, but I felt I had to. I go to Pearl, quietly apologizing as I then impaired her fragile form, causing her to poof. I caught her gem gently. 

"Y/.....Y/n..?" Garent looked up at me, as I walked over to her, holding the pole above her chest. "It's for your own good.." I whisper as I then impale her as well, causing her form to poof into smoke

Amethyst is the one who began to run, crying and such, clueless to why I was poofing the gems. I quietly picked up Garnet's gemstones and place them in my pockets. I then head over to Amethyst, carrying the pole. I silently grabbed Amethyst and impaled her though her lower back, roofing her. She wailed before her destabilization. I quietly grabbed her gem as well and put it in my pocket. I begin to walk towards the house. I hoped Steven could help, he had just discovered his own power and such..


//but I wanted to put this out just so y'all had something- but don't worry, you'll see Blue Diamond very soon-

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