Blue Diamond's Hiding Spot

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You been walking for a while, aches going up and down your leg as you started towards the place that Blue Diamond could hide while on earth. The sun blazed down onto your skin, making you sweat excessively but you didn't complain. You then felt a slight wind over you and you looked up to see Blue Diamond had shaded you with her large hand.

Blue Diamond looked at you. "Are you better now? You seemed to be struggling a bit there." She says in that soft, ghostly voice of hers. It was strangely calming and reassuring to hear, seeing they were in a forest. The occasional  animal noises made your skin shiver and jump. You looked up at Blue Diamond. "Thanks.. for the shade." You say. "of course." She says, patting you head with a finger gently as you both continued to the hiding place.

"...Blue Diamond.. Who did you lose?" You asked her shyly, looking at the large woman next to you.

She sighed, sounding desolated. ".. She was shattered by one of her own subjects.." She whispers, on the verge of tears again.

"You don't have to say more if you don't want!" You interrupted her. She looked at you, looking almost annoyed at your interruption. You looked down slightly.

"...Yes, she was shattered by her own... A rose Quartz.. but I don't want to shatter them, like Yellow does..." She says, her tears now flowing again and she suddenly stops and sits down under the trees and sigh. You shrug and sit next to her. "But why..?" You asked her. Her action surprised you as she suddenly size shifted. She was now 6 foot 7 inches and her mysterious hood still hidden her. You blinked and scooted a bit. She scooted closer to you a bit.

Blue Diamond POV

I mentally smiled to myself.  they seemed so comfy being near me. I knew I was different but They didn't judge oddly enough. I continued my story, nervously of course. I felt my face heat up as I fidget with my hands nervously. Why was I, a great leader so nervous around a human Pink Diamond once ruled over.

Eventually, the sky got dark and The moon came out. Y/N stood up and dusted their pants off. We had a wonderful conversation all though the night. "Ill have to go.. The cave is up ahead." They tell me. I sighed and then stood up.

"Do you mind if I.. Stay around?" I questioned. Y/N smiles.

"Of course.." You say. I sigh with relief as you begin pulling me with you. Then I hear a voice.

"Y/N! Garent looking for you!"

Blue Diamond (Blue Diamond X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें