I pul the pen out of my side. Yay, more blood. Sarcasm there if you couldn't tell. I wipe it off on my shirt and pull the hodie back down.

"Don't worry about it, kid. Don't you have a home?" I ask.

"Yea, but I'm skipping school." The boy says.

"Why?" I continue.

"The kids there hate me and my mom won't let me transfer." The boy looks down and fiddles with his pen.

"What's your name, kid?" I ask him.

"Josh." He says.

"Well, Josh, you have any talents?" I ask and kneel so I'm at his eye level.

"I get perfect grades and I'm okay at baseball." He tells me.

"That why they pick on you?" I raise an eyebrow.

He sighs. "Yes."

"You know, when I was in school, I got crappy grades." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm dyslexic though, so it kind of comes with it. Truth is, I never worked at it. Now I just live with my sisters or my mom. I work as a bodyguard. You can have a better life than I do. What do you want to be?" I ask him gently.

He ponders for a moment. "A doctor. I want to save people! Just like the other ones."

"That's very noble of you. But you aren't getting anywhere out here. What school do you go to?" I ask him.

"Yancy Academy." He answers.

I snort. "Oh, yep. Never liked that one. C'mon. I'll walk you there. You haven't even missed your first two classes yet." I stand up and start to walk. After a few minutes, he jogs to catch up.

"Why are you being so nice, mister?" He takes my hand. I squeeze it and smile down at him.

"Because when I was your age, I wish I had someone to knock some sense into me. It took me forever to realize who I wanted to be and only after I went through a tough time. My sisters were there for me, they helped me make a new life." I tell him.

"You mean those girls back there?" He asks, loking back at the Hunt following us.

"Yup. We live together. I'm the only boy though. It's nice to be surrounded by family after all that has happened." I look up at the late morning sky.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Well, my childhood was awful and then I went through a very dark time. My step-father was the cause of ruining my childhood. My mother sent me to a camp in hopes it would make my summer a bit happier. But, after awhile, it no longer felt like home to me and all my friends went their separate ways. I fell in love, got my heart broken, and got lost in the wilderness. I almost died so many times out there, I couldn't keep track anymore. Then, a friend saved me. When I came back, my mother and my new step-father were killed. My sisters made me who I am today. They are the only reason that I'm still here. I lost everything and they came to be the only reason that I wake up in the everyday." I tell him my life story in a summary.

"Sounds like I have it better than I thought." Josh looks down.

"Bullies suck though. Stand up to them. It stopped them from harrassing me. You look like you can handle yourself and screw the consequences. Just be in control." I reply.

He tugs on my hand and I look down at him. He's smiling at me. "For someone who got bad grades, you're really smart mister. Wise. What's your name?" Josh asks me.

I laugh. "My name is Perseus Jackson, kid. You can call me Percy for short. I turn twenty today."

"You don't look it. Happy Birthday Percy. I'm Josh Peeks." He gives me his full name.

"Thanks." After a few more minutes, we arrive at my old school. "Tell ya what, Josh. I'll walk you in and see how my old teachers react. Lets go face 'em. I'll be back sisters!" I call over my shoulder.

"Hurry up! We have a surprise for you!" Atalanta replies.

I lead the kid into the office. I take him to the principal's door and I knock. The principal clears his throat and we enter. We sit down in the chairs. When the principal looks up, he does a double take on both of us.

"'Sup? I found the kid outside. You should really watch your students. I hear they're still taking out their daddy issues on the less fortunate ones." I say.

"Percy? Never thought I'd see your sorry hide again. Where'd you find him?" The principal inquires.

"Just walking around, then he stabbed me with a pen when he bumped into me. Poor kid, he was upset. I'm guessing bad step-father too. Since ya jumped whenever I mentioned mine, right Josh?" I smile at the boy.

"How did you catch that?" Josh asks me.

I chuckle. "Part of my job description. Bodyguard. But I also help with security. Helps protect my sisters. And believe me when I tell you they can be down right horrifying. But they can be absolutely kind. Like I said, reason I'm standing here today, kid.  Or I would have died years ago. Around the time I went here actually. That's when it all began." I look around the room.

"How old were you then?" Josh asks.

"Twelve." I answer without hesitation.

"How old are you now, Percy?" The principal implores.

"I turn twenty today, sir." I reply.

"When did you turn out to be so respectful?" The principal asks.

"The day my awful step-father got what he deserved and my mother found actual love. But all three are dad now. I have two adoptive mothers, they are sisters and my biological father is nowhere to be found. All my friends are gone and I got around 34 sisters and two adoptive mothers. My sisters and I were out celebrating my birthday when we found Josh here. Do me a favor, sir. Watch Josh. He is being singled out because he's got a brain. Don't make him regret it. I must take my leave. My sisters are waiting. Good luck, kid. Save thos lives for me. Maybe we'll meet again and I'll still bet, you won't have changed one single bit. Work hard. See ya, Josh Peeks." I get up and am about to walk out when I hear Josh's voice say my name.

"Percy, I think you're my new hero. I'm going to be just like you when I grow up." Josh says, hurrying to tell me before I leave.

I chuckle. "Being a hero isn't all it turns out to be, kid. I learned that the hard way. But I'll tell you this. If you can make it through it, then you'll be al the happier in the end. Stray from your path and it will be tragic, just like mine was." I say and then the principal speaks up.

"Perseus, you've turned into a fine young man." He says.

I laugh. "Nah, I've just seen too much not to grow up. If I hadn't, I'd still be that sparkly eyed troublemaker who wad lovestruck by some blond girl. Now, I just protect my family so nobody dies in front of me. Too many have perished in my life time, sir. I've been to too many funerals and burnings. Nice seeing you again. Have fun and watch the kid. Don't let him lose anything close to him if you can help it." I say and close the door behind me.

I meet the girls back outside. "What took you so long?" Jade asks as she climbs up to sit on my shoulders. I turn and look at the school. I see Josh waving and the principal watching me. I wave back and start walking away.

"I saw an old aquaintance of mine, from the beginning." I say softly.

I considered it and decided to leave it there, muhahahahahaha!!!!!! But no worries, I'll update again very soon. So, I'll let you have this little chappie to read for now. I do not own PJO/HOO, Rick Riordan does. Riordan is a cool sounding name, I like it. Sounds bookish, lol. See ya over the rainbow that leads to the next chapter! Bye, my lovely readers!

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