Chapter 50

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St. Mungo's

"Hailey! You got a letter from Hogwarts!" Mrs. Lowel called down the stairs. Hailey ran down the stairs and grabbed the letter from her mother. She sat down at the table and ripped the envelope open. Mrs. Lowel peered over her shoulder, trying to see what Hailey's scores were.

Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Scoring:

Pass Grades: Fail Grades:

Outstanding (O) Poor (P)

Exceeds Expectations (E) Dreadful (D)

Acceptable (A) Troll (T)

Hailey Samantha Lowel has received:

Alchemy: O

Ancient Runes: E

Astronomy: O

Charms: O

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O

Herbology: O

History of Magic: A

Potions: O

Transfiguration: O

"You did it!" Mrs. Lowel exclaimed, hugging Hailey from behind. Hailey stared at the letter. She had passed everything she needed to in order to get her internship at St. Mungo's.

"Mum, I passed everything I need to do the internship!" She exclaimed. Mrs. Lowel hugged her again.

"I'm going to make some treats, and you can have some friends over to celebrate."

"Thanks Mum!"

Hailey ran upstairs and wrote to her friends, filled with excitement. She was being successful. She had an internship that could very well lead to a secure job, and she and James had been talking about getting an apartment together in a few months, when everything had settled down and they were stable.

When she came back downstairs, she found her mother baking what seemed to be a cake. She put on an apron and started helping her, while talking about her plans for the future now that she had her NEWT scores. Mr. Lowel walked in and seemed surprised to see Hailey and Mrs. Lowel baking.

"What's the occasion?" He asked. Hailey smiled widely.

"I got my NEWT scores! I passed everything!"

Mr. Lowel smiled.

"That is reason for celebration. I also heard that James and Sirius got their scores, and are planning on entering the Auror program."

Hailey sighed with relief.

"That means they did alright. That's good. I mean, I knew they would do well on Defense, Charms, and Transfiguration, but I'm glad that they passed everything else."

Mr. Lowel nodded.

"Now, when's that cake going to be done?"


Hailey gripped her bag and stepped out of the elevator. It was the first day of her internship, as well as the first day of Sirius and James's auror training. She knew Remus was looking at jobs working with animals, because they were more flexible with time off, but nothing had been confirmed yet. It had always frustrated Hailey how much Remus limited himself because of his condition. He was hard working and smart, and she knew people would hire him, he just didn't believe it himself and didn't apply for the jobs he was qualified for.

She had reached the door she had been told to go to and knocked. When she heard a faint 'come in', she opened the door and stepped inside.

Immediately, she was surprised at the appearance of the office. There were flowers in the windowsill and on the desk, the walls were a nice beige color, and the woman sitting at the desk was wearing a baby pink blazer. The room felt very welcoming and warm. The woman at the desk smiled, and Hailey felt even more comfortable. She looked young to be in such a high position, she only appeared a few years older than Hailey.

"You must be Hailey. My name is Lisa Bowling, but you can call me Lisa. I'll be seeing over your internship here for the next month or so."

"Hi! It's nice to meet you. I'm really excited to start my internship. This is something I've always been really passionate about, and I think this is a great opportunity to learn more about our healthcare system."

Lisa smiled.

"You remind me a lot of myself. I can see the potential in you. I'm sure you're a great fit for St. Mungo's. I'll give you a tour and a little debriefing on what you'll be doing."

She stood up and led Hailey out of her office.

"Now, most interns just get coffee or tea for the employees, but at St. Mungo's, learning about your future job is important to us, so we try to make sure you have lots of hands-on work."

She led Hailey into a little room with an empty desk and bookshelf.

"This is your 'office'. It's not the greatest, but it's a nice space for you to study for your exam later this year. You will, of course, be shadowing healers while they work, but we also try to give the interns their own space to work in. You can decorate it however you want, and the door locks, should you need it." She said, jiggling the doorknob. Hailey looked around the room. She already had an office, and she liked her boss. Her internship was going better than she had thought.

"Alright, next. You'll only be shadowing healers from this floor for right now, we'll let you know when that changes. This is general stuff, checkups, pregnancy tests, quick fixes. After you take your exam, you can decide what you want to specialize in, and we'll put you wherever you need to go."

Hailey nodded.

"Okay, I'll introduce you to the healers you'll be working with. They're all girls, so don't worry about them being creepy or anything. Well, there is one guy, but he's happily married and has like three kids, and there'll always be a girl with you when you shadow him." She said. She looked over at Hailey, noticing the relieved but slightly confused expression she had.

"I had a bad run-in with one of the healers when I was an intern, and I don't want that to happen to anyone else. That's why we have boys shadow boys, and girls shadow girls. And of course, we have background checks on all of the healers, especially the ones that work with interns. So! Let me introduce you to the gang." She pointed at an older woman that Hailey though looked like a lot of fun.

"That's Francis. She's been here longer than you've been alive, but she's reliable, and a hoot to be around." She pointed to another woman in the group.

"That's Anna. She's a dear, just don't get on her bad side."

"That's Jane and Lucy, they're going to love you. We're all like a family on this floor, we take care of each other and have each other's backs."

A man in scrubs walked into the room, and Lisa smiled.

"That's Patrick. He's the only guy you'll be working with, but you don't have to worry about him."

Hailey nodded.

"So, how do you think you'll like it here?" Lisa asked. Hailey smiled.

"I think I'll like it a lot."

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