Chapter 29

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"Remus, we did kiss before we were dating."

"Friends don't kiss, and that is a fact. You only kissed before you were dating because you wanted to be dating. Kissing is the epitome of PDA."

"It was worth a try." James shrugged and returned to the chess board.

"And it's not like you guys aren't finding a place to snog away from us. We all know you're just hiding from us." Sirius moved the knight.

"Which is perfectly within the rules. We're fine. And you guys are probably doing it too." Hailey argued.

Remus nodded and flipped through his newspaper. He always read through it and told the group everything important that happened so everyone could stay informed.

"Any news?"

Remus shook his head.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. A few attacks, but no one we know. And the minister is saying they have everything under control."

Hailey laughed bitterly.

"Who are they trying to convince? People are dying daily, and they insist it's not a problem! I'm sick of them acting like everything is fine."

"Checkmate! Yeah, the Order's trying their best, but with the ministry refusing to help, they aren't getting the leads they need." James said as Sirius grumbled and reset the board.

"I wish we could join. I know a lot of the Slytherins are planning on joining, we could be spies for the order. That'd be awesome." Sirius sighed dreamily.

"My parents said I could join when I'm out of school, but I suppose if I could do work from inside the school they might let me join when I turn seventeen." Hailey mused.

"Lucky." Sirius pouted. "Mum avoids the topic every time James and I bring it up." Sirius had assumed that since his parents were absent in his life, he would be allowed to join, but Mrs. Potter had said he and James were both her children, and neither of them would be joining without her permission. Hailey stuck her tongue out triumphantly.

"I guess my parents just trust me."

Sirius flipped her off.


"Mr. Black! If I see that kind of vulgar behavior again there will be consequences." McGonagall's voice rang through the common room. Sirius's head snapped around, looking for the source of the sound. Lily stood, smirking from behind them. She climbed over the couch into "The Marauder's Corner" and sat next to Remus.

"That was rude." Sirius crossed his arms and slouched into the couch.

"So was flipping Hailey off. What were you guys talking about?"

The group looked at each other quickly. They weren't sure if Lily knew about the order, and probably weren't supposed to talk about it in front of her.

"Hailey's boasting about the things she's allowed to do."

Lily looked skeptical, but nodded.

"Are you guys signing up for the pen-pal program?"


Lily looked at each of them, and sighed when she realized none of them knew what she was talking about.

"There's a pen-pal program between seventh year students from a few different schools. Sign-up starts today. I'm signing up for sure, it's a great opportunity to make friends from other schools."

Hailey nodded.

"That sounds fun. I think we should do it." She looked at the group. Remus and James were nodding, Lily looked approving, and Sirius looked skeptical.

"Not to be a downer, but my family is kind of well known for being the worst. I don't think people want to hear from someone from the House of Black."

"I doubt everyone knows about your family. And you can prove you're a good person so they won't have to go off of your heritage. It'll be fun!" Lily pleaded, making her eyes big. Sirius sighed.

"Fine, I'll sign up."

The group cheered.

"Now we can all have exotic buddies from different countries!" James high-fived Sirius.

"I don't think they're really exotic. The schools are from America, France, and Bulgaria." Lily pointed out.

"That's more exotic than Scotland. All we've got here is rain and mud."

Hailey shrugged.

"That's fair."

"I'll tell McGonagall to put you guys down. Mary and Marlene are doing it as well, so there'll be a big group of us." Lily smiled and got up. She practically bounced out of the common room. Hailey laughed.

"This should be interesting."


"So, all of you have signed up for the pen-pal program for your seventh year. Today, I will be telling you a little about that program."

Hailey was sitting in between James and Sirius as they listened to Professor McGonagall. When Lily had signed them up, she had let them know that there was an informational meeting in a few weeks. Now, they were sitting in the transfiguration classroom while McGonagall told them about the pen-pal program.

"Next year, all of you will be given the name and information about your pen-pal. You will be matched according to a personality quiz that you will take in June. Your pen-pal can be a girl or a boy, you are purely matched off of interests. I will be taking any further questions now."

Hailey leaned towards James and whispered in his ear.

"I wonder if there are any nerdy jocks for you to write to."

James turned to look at her, faking offence.

"I don't know how many mischievous mom friends there are, but you'll definitely match with one if it's possible."

Hailey laughed.

"That wasn't even offensive. You need to work on your insults."

"How could I insult someone as perfect as you?"

Hailey smiled and squeezed his hand. Normally, she would have kissed him, but their bet was still on, and Remus and Sirius were so close to breaking that she and James had agreed that they could win and were determined to do so.

"You're just saying that because we're dating. If we were just friends you would have torn me apart."

"Nah, I like you too much for that." James nudged her with his shoulder and turned back to McGonagall. Hailey smiled and turned as well.

"If everyone has exhausted their questions, you may all be released. Enjoy the rest of the period."

Hailey took James's hand and dragged him away from the group.

"Come with me. I have a surprise."

"Does it involve snogging in the Room of Requirement?"

Hailey rolled her eyes.

"If you're nice to me, maybe."

"Then let's go."

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