Chapter 11

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(A/N The outfit you're wearing in this chapter is above, if you don't like it imagine something else. Enjoy!)

(Y/N's POV)
I am slowly awoken to the sound of water droplets. My eyes flutter open and I groan as I slowly sit up.

"Bev?" I call out, slowly standing up. I look next to me to see a tunnel. I look to my other side to see another tunnel.

I slowly spin in circles only to see 4 tunnels surrounding me.

"Bev?!" I shout, but I don't see her anywhere. I run my hand through my hair before mumbling a small, "shit."

I look at the tunnels before deciding to go through the tunnel on my right. I mean what could go wrong?

I walk through the tunnel getting my shoes even more wet and dirtier than they were before. I sigh as I continue walking, the sewer water splashing with every step I take.

After a few minutes of walking I come across another 'intersection.' I look at the tunnels deciding which one I should go down.


I snap my head towards the tunnel to my left where the sound came from.

Splash. Splash.

It sounded like a person walking through the water. Maybe it's Bev?

Splash. Splash. Splash

I walk towards it slowly, squinting my eyes trying to look down the dark tunnel, wishing I had a flashlight with me.

Splash. Splash. Splash. Splash

It sounded like they were running now.

"Bev?" I whisper and suddenly the splashing stops, "Bev?"

My eyes widen as a balloon, a red balloon, floats towards me. I slowly take a step back as the balloon stops in front of me. I furrow my eyebrows, confused.


The balloon pops splattering a thick liquid onto my face. I wipe the liquid off my eyes, so I can see. I look down at my hands to see a red liquid covering them. Blood.

Shakily, I look up and jump back as I see the clown standing a few feet in front of me in the tunnel. My eyes widen and I quickly turn around sprinting off down a different tunnel.

I hear the clown laugh from behind me, it's laugh echoing in the tunnel. I keep running not looking back, scared that if it's not the clown chasing me than it's probably a huge spider.

The laughing gets louder as I turn down different tunnels, trying to get rid of the clown. As I turn down one tunnel I hear the laughing get quieter until there's no laughing anymore. Confused, I turn my head around, still running to look for the clown only to run into something in front of me.

I fall down into the water, my butt hitting the sewer water first. I groan as I slowly sit up.

"Holy shit, Y/N!?" I hear a very familiar voice shout from in front of me. I look up to see Richie.

"Richie!" I yell, relieved. I quickly stand up and hug him. I look behind him to see all the other boys except Stan.

"Y/N!" Eddie yells as he sees me. The other boys run over bombard me with hugs

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Where's Bev?"

"What the hell is that on your face?"

They all ask as at the same time as I let go of them.

"I'm fine." I assure them, before asking them a question, "but where's Stan?"

They all look at each other before we hear a scream. Not just any scream, but Stan's scream.

"Stan!" I shout as I run towards the direction of the scream, the boys following me.




We reach a closed door and the boys get in front of me to push the door open.

"We're coming! Don't worry!" Eddie assures, still trying to get the door open. They get the door open and we all rush in looking for Stan.

I see a flashlight on the side, so I run over to it picking it up. I shine the light next to me to see a creepy lady on top of Stan. I gasp as the others come running over.

"What the fuck is that thing?!" Richie shouts as the creepy lady looks up at us, her mouth still latched onto Stanley, before letting go of him and disappearing through the tunnel. She slowly stands up and backs away into tunnel.

We yell frightened as the clown appears before disappearing as fast as it came. When it disappeared me and the boys run over to Stan.

"Stan!" I yell, kneeling down next to the scared boy. "Stan it's okay!"

Stan backs away screaming.

"You left me! You took me to Neibolt!" Stan shouts, crying. I bite my lip as tears come to my eyes, "you're not my friends! You made me go into Neibolt!"

"Stan, it's okay." I try to assure him over his screams.

"Stan, I'm sorry." Eddie apologizes, putting his hand on Stan's shoulder trying to calm him down.

"We would never let anything happen to you." Richie assures him as we all pull Stan into a group hug, all of us tearing up a bit.

"Bill!" I hear Eddie cry out from next to me, I look over to him to see him looking the tunnel where the clown disappeared to. I look at the tunnel to see Bill walking through it.


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