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(A/N This is my first book I've made, so if it's terrible I'm sorry. Btw, the outfit you're wearing is above, if you don't like it than you can imagine something else. Enjoy!)

(Y/N's POV)

It was a rainy day today in Derry and I was walking back home after getting stuff from the pharmacy, when I see this little boy in a yellow coat staring into a sewer drain. I was going to keep on walking until I saw his face. I recognized him as my friend, Bill Denbrough's little brother, Georgie.

"Georgie?! What are you doing?!" I yell to him, but before he could respond something bit his arm and he jumped back screaming and crying with a missing arm and blood all over him.

"Oh my gosh! Georgie!" I run up to him and pull him onto my lap. I look into the sewer drain and see two demonic, yellow eyes staring at me. I scoot back with Georgie still in my lap, scared. I look at Georgie and see he's crying, I then look at his arm. 'Geez, that's bad.' I take off my jacket and wrap it over his missing arm.

"It's okay, Georgie, it's okay." I whisper to Georgie, trying to calm him. I look back at the drain to see a clown's arm coming towards us.

"No, no, no, no, no." I whisper shout to myself. I start scooting back, but before i could go any farther the clown grabbed Georgie.

"No!" I yell.

"Y/N!" Georgie screams. I kick at the clown's arm, while I'm still holding Georgie. It scratches my leg, leaving a long, deep cut down my leg. My grip loosens on Georgie slightly from the pain in my leg and the clown takes advantage and pulls Georgie away from me and into the drain.

"Y/N!" Georgie yells. I just sit there crying, listening to his screams fade away. 'I lost Georgie. i can't tell Bill he would be devastated.' I get up off the ground and start limping to my house as fast as i could before anyone sees me, ignoring the pain in my leg.

After a few minutes I finally get to my house. I sneak in through the backdoor, so I don't get asked what happened, not like my parents would care, but my brother would. I go upstairs and into the bathroom, I grab some bandages out of the cabinet and go to my room. I sit on my bed and start wrapping my leg up. 'i can't tell anyone what happened, not even my brother, no one would believe me if i did.'

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