Let's talk about sex

Start from the beginning

I shook my head.

"Plus, I saw you in your full glory," Kaylee mentioned.

I put my head in my hand as Nora lost it.

"I don't see what's wrong with talking about sex after seeing you naked," Kaylee added, shrugging.

Kaylee's casual behavior threw me off. Most girls don't discuss sex and refer to a guy's dick as a thingy or manhood. I looked at Nora, who was laughing.

"Why are you laughing? It isn't funny," I exclaimed, gesturing at Nora.

"That you don't want to discuss sex is hilarious considering your reputation," Nora laughed.

"Great, my best friend is teasing me while my girl acts casual," I mentioned, not thinking about what I said.

Kaylee looked at me with surprise as Nora stifled her laugh. Then I realize what I said. Well, shit.

"So, I'm your girl?" Kaylee asked curiously.

"Well, uh, I didn't mean it that way," I said, backtracking.

"No, you said your girl. I heard correctly," Kaylee refuted me.

I searched for words that were eluding me.

"That's funny considering you haven't asked me properly," Kaylee teased.

I groaned as Nora roared with laughter. I sat there, wishing I was anywhere but here now. The next thing I knew, Mason and Skylar came into the coffeehouse. The Gods have answered my prayers.

Skylar saw Nora and walked over to the table as Mason followed begrudgingly. Or not, because I'm sure my tool cousin would say something to Nora. Then I have to beat his ass for being a stupid ass.

Skylar sat down next to Nora and started talking to Nora and Kaylee. Mason sat in between Skylar and me. I watched Mason glare at Nora. I leaned over and whispered, "Dude, what's your malfunction?"

"Nothing," Mason whispered, looking at me.

"Can you stop giving Nora the death glare?" I asked, giving Mason a look.

Mason gave me a look and rolled his eyes. Then he looked at Nora. "So, have you talked to Matthew recently?" Mason asked Nora, making the girls stop talking.

Skylar looked at Mason. "Mason, stop it," Skylar ordered Mason.

"What? I asked a simple question. I figure Nora wouldn't mind," Mason said, acting like a prick.

Nora's smile disappeared as Kaylee gave me a look. I sat there and waited.

"Oh, that's right, Matthew left because of you, like most of the guys here do," Mason remarked.

"I think I'm going to go," Nora said, getting up.

"Why? Is it because you prefer to run instead of staying?" Mason asked Nora.

I knew what Mason was doing. Nora walked away.

"That's right; walk away! That's what you're best at!" Mason yelled to Nora.

That was it. "What the hell is your problem?" I asked Mason.

"Oh, did it bother you that I chased off your little friend, or did you sleep with Nora? Is that why you're so protective?" Mason accused me.

Okay, most of the time, my brothers take matters in hand, but my temper flares a few times. This time is one of those times. I got up from my chair and went after Mason, shocking Skylar and Kaylee.

I picked up Mason and threw him onto the table as I punched him. I let my anger rip as Mason fought back. Yeah, the fight got worse as the girls tried to break it up. Mason got in a few right jabs, but I let my fist fly. While Mason and I fought, Skylar called her sister Jesse, who told Kaxon. Like a good cousin, Kaxon called my brothers.

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