Chapter 4: Meeting Her Form And Enemy

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Match's PoV
I was walking with my roommates to our form rooms, Book and Ice Cube are in the same form and then the rest of us are in the same form room (Ruby,Bubble,Pencil and Me). Book and Ice Cube left us to go to their form while the rest of us went to our own one. When we entered the room, everyone was staring at us well mostly me and I recognised two of the boys from earlier when I was talking to Eraser. "Welcome to class 4 Match, I'm Mr Four your new Form Tutor and Math Teacher" the teacher said. "Thanks" I responded. I looked at the other students they were either grinning, smirking or smiling at me except for one she wore a blue hoodie and had short silver hair "I HATE YOU!!!" She shouted at me. I sat down at my desk and someone with jet-black hair whispered to me "Don't worry she hates everything" "Oh ok thanks for telling me" I whispered back to him "NP I'm 8-Ball" he said. I just smiled since he already knew my name. This might be a pretty interesting new school.

Eraser's PoV
I was in form talking to Pen about random stuff until Ms Six clapped her hands and said that she had an announcement to make it was about the new girl and she said to raise our hands if we've either seen her or spoken to her yet, only Pen and I put our hands up heh I guess we were pretty lucky to have a chance to meet her.

(Time Skip To Recess)

I was walking around the school until the bullies Jackhammer and Lighter shoved me into a wall where no-one could see us and then Lighter clicked on his lighter and held it so the flame was near my neck. Lighter looked scary and furious with that smirk on his face but Jackhammer was standing back away from Lighter and me, he actually looked scared of Lighter. "Leave him alone!!!" shouted a female's voice that I recognised. She came closer to the three of us then I realised who she was! It was Match!! The new student standing up for me?? Wow just by looking at Jackhammer's face made me wanna laugh 🤭 he was shocked to see a girl here. Lighter on the other hand, was still smirking!!! He let go of me and walked up to Match. He looked annoyed and was begging her for something??? "No way I've moved on from you" she shouted at him and KICKED HIM IN THE THOAT!!! The kick made him fall to the ground and black out. Then she walked up to Jackhammer and whispered something to him then he nodded worriedly in response and then he dragged Lighter away from us. She then walked to me "Are you ok?" she asked me. "Yeah I'm okay" I replied. As we walked to the locker room I asked her "How did you do that?" "Do what?"
She responded. "Make Lighter black out with just a kick!" I said "I know his weaknesses" she said smirking 😏. " Well do you know him at all?" I questioned her. "Yeah he's my ex" she said. "I broke up with him two years ago" she added. "I just want to like move on from him" "I get it you just want him out of your life right?" "Yeah. I'm glad someone finally gets me apart from Candle". she sighed in relief. We said bye to each other as we walked to our next classes.

That's chapter 4 guys
Peace ✌️.

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