Chapter 1: The New Student

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Match's PoV(September 3rd)
My name is Match Strike I'm the new student in Yoyle High. I reach the school and just by looking at it makes me feel small even though I'm actually average height. I walk into the school and suddenly someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see my sister behind me. "OMG Candle it's so good to like you again." I gave her a hug she hugged me back. "I know right so how about I take you to your year's locker room and then I can give you a tour around the school." She said walking me to my new year's locker room. "Thanks" I replied.

Eraser's PoV
I'm Eraser Gone one of the year 8's cool jocks who's obsessed with the colour pink, I'm hanging out with my bros (Pen Writer my best friend who barely ever takes his blue cap off, Blocky Wood-Toy who loves pulling pranks on other students and Snowball Flakes who thinks that he's the strongest person out of all of us year 8's.) We were talking about the new girl in our year we were questioning about what her personality would be like. Then the locker room doors opened and in entered a girl with dazzling red hair in a beige outfit she had glistening green eyes and her smile was just so sweet. Then I saw Candle waiting outside our locker room. Candle was the most popular year 9 in this school. Every guy in her year likes her.
I decided to talk to the new girl then I could get to know more about her.
First chapter is done.
Hopefully Eraser makes a good impression of himself.

Peace ✌️.

Erase a Match Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang