Forced Childhood

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After that event, it was a flurry. Marinette could hardly believe what had happened next.

Her presence had been requested at Gabriel's house. She wasn't sure why, but she was so nervous, she could hardly eat.

It felt like forever, but finally, she stood alone with him. Alone. In his study.

"Marinette." Gabriel smiled at her. "I have something...important to tell you." He beckoned her to follow him. He walked towards the giant picture of his wife, and...opened it?

Marinette watched in amazement as he pulled out what looked like...

"This was my wife's old music box. When she...disappeared..she was a few weeks pregnant with Adrien's little sister. She was saving this for her." Gabriel wound the key, and the lid slowly opened. A tinkling melody filled the room, and Marinette watched the little figurines in fascination. It looked like a carousel, but, instead of horses, there was a ballerina, a stork with a baby, a many unique characters.

"I have something to show you." Gabriel took her hand, and led her to some sort of desk. Marinette looked at the blank screens, never once imagining what was going to happen. The ground beneath them lowered, and Marinette's jaw dropped. It didn't take a genius to know that they were standing in Hawk Moth's lair.

Marinette turned to Gabriel...only to find Hawk Moth standing in his place. But, instead of running, Marinette stood there, staring, amazed.

"I...have done some regrettable things." Hawk Moth admitted. "I am ready to give up the butterfly Miraculous." Marinette tipped her head, finally finding something to say. "But...why?"

She was led into another room, with white butterflies littering the air. It looked like a small butterfly garden. Marinette didn't pay this much mind. She was much more interested in the casket.

"This is...Adrien's mother." she gasped. "You wanted our Miraculous because...if they merge, you get a wish." Hawk Moth nodded.

"Your wish was to have her back." Hawk Moth nodded again. "You know I am Hawk Moth. And I know you are Princess Piao Chong." He removed his Miraculous, and gave it to her. "Take this back to the guardian." Marinette looked at it, feeling solemn. "But...why are you giving"

"I watched you change." Gabriel glanced at his wife. "You reminded me so much of...the daughter I was expecting. I couldn't hurt you anymore." Marinette saw, no longer the lonely, isolated man, or the villain who fed on other's misfortune. She saw the work of a desperate father and husband.

Without another word, Gabriel brought her back upstairs, and gave her the music box. "Take this. Think of it whenever you face a challenge. Play it whenever adult life hurts you."

Marinette was silent on the way home. In her room, Tikki offered to bring the Miraculous to Master Fu, but Marinette refused. She wanted to do it herself...the next day.

This day, she had too much to do, and to much to think about while she was doing it.

Her thoughts of Gabriel, though, vanished, when her play date came to the door.

The Dupain-Chengs and the Rossi's were having a double-family day. As part of Lila's punishment, officer Roger suggested they get a restraining order. But, both families had a much better idea.

Lila was now going to Skyward Pines with Marinette. She was clearly a disturbed child. She was also going to be diapered and dressed like Marinette, and would be Marinette's play date.

In other words, Lila was receiving the punishment of her life. No more teenager activities, no more going out alone, no phone, no laptop, no freedom.

Lila showed up wearing the outfit her mother had picked out for her; a pink and white frilly dress, and a matching bonnet, along with the diaper she was forced to wear, and use. She was dressed like Marinette: like a very little girl.

Marinette smiled kindly at her. She knew it wasn't right to gloat, so she tried to show Lila kindness in hopes that Lila would see the light. Instead, Lila glared at Marinette, until Gretal scolded her.

The girls and their families spent the day going from place to place in public, where, thanks to Nadia Shamack, people could watch Lila's punishment in person. They picked up some over-the-top childish clothes for Lila, and got her some toys. They traveled from one place in the mall to another, where whispers and giggles followed Lila everywhere. Marinette shot looks at anyone who tried to comment. Lila was being punished enough.

"Look at this, Lila." Gretal cooed, half teasing. She knew Lila would hate it, but she was also kind of happy to have her little girl back. This time, she'd raise Lila right.

Lila glared at the stuffed bunny as he was placed into the cart. Another one followed, in a two-set box. This was a tow toy set, with a white bunny and a brown bear, both in pajamas, with keys in their backs for music. They were called 'Bedtime Bunny' and 'Bedtime Bear.'

Lila glanced into the cart. Packages of thick, princess diapers, clothes only a baby would wear, toys and kids books; at least she was allowed chapter books. Her room had been transformed into a nursery, and her parents had spared no expense in making sure it was more safe and embarrassing than any nursery on earth.

She glared at Marinette again. Because of this stubborn girl, she was losing everything. All Marinette had to do was mind her own business, but no, she was determined to call Lila out and ruin her life. Of course, Lila would have to wait a while to get Marinette alone to punish HER, but it would be worth it.

"Oh, look girls!" Marinette giggled upon seeing the carousel, whereas Lila rolled her eyes. The next thing she knew, she was forced to ride on a rainbow-haired, pink unicorn, with Marinette on the Pegasus beside her. Thinking it would be 'fun' Marinette's teddy bear was in the carriage behind them, as if her were being towed along.

After a ride on the carousel, they had lunch. It was pizza, but the waitress just had to comment on the 'two adorable little girls' as she took their order. She even went as far to give them red velvet cupcakes with chocolate icing, and little candies forming a smile.

This was the worst day of Lila's life.

It was the worst day, because she knew it would only get worse.

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