New Beginnings

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Silence wasn't something commonly heard in classrooms full of teenagers. Granted, no one would be surprised to walk into Mrs. Bustier's classroom to find about fourteen chatting kids.

The fact that they are talking isn't the hook. The hook is what they are talking about...

"By my calculations, this is a logical outcome that we should have seen coming. Marinette's transition is ninety-four percent agreeable." Max glanced up from his phone when Kim moaned. "Still! It happened right after Lila told on her! It's like she's throwing a hissy fit."

"I can't believe it. I tried SO HARD to understand her new mental state, and ow she's using it to get what she wants! I never thought she'd end up being so selfish!" Alya cried. Rose piped up. "I bet the injury scrambled her brainwaves and made her evil!"

Adrien, Chloe and Sabrina stood in the corner, trying to ignore it all. Thanks to Adrien, they knew the real reason Marinette was leaving was because she wasn't safe in high school. Not with a mental condition like that.

Nino came up to them and rolled his eyes. "I can't believe Lila's taking advantage of Marinette's condition." Adrien smiled, and nodded somberly. At least good old Nino believed them.

"Yeah. I bet she's jealous because all her condition's are fake!" Chloe and Sabrina shared a haughty laugh. Adrien couldn't help but chuckle along.

Mrs. Bustier entered the classroom, and instantly, the room went quiet. Adrien and company sat down to hear the real reason from her mouth, in hopes it would calm the rumors.

"Class, I'm sorry. I know Marinette's sudden change has scared us, and having such a kind, innocent little flower leave us  is jarring to me as well." Before she could continue, Alya piped up. "I hope she gets sent to a rehabilitation center!"

"Wha-!" Mrs. Bustier was cut off. "Yeah!" Rose cried. "She had no right to use her condition against Lila!"

"Yeah, I bet it wasn't even real."

"Now, you stop that! I don't know who scribbled on the answers, but I know it wasn't Marinette, because she looked just as surprised as the rest of us." Mrs. Bustier took a deep breath. "Now, Marinette will be going to a new school about to blocks down from here. We of the staff have decided to plan a field trip there to learn about how disabled student are in comparison to us. You'll be able to visit her, and we'll be searching like crazy to find the real culprit of the scribbling."

There was a wave of mumbling in the classroom. Adrien sighed. Poor Marinette. She'd never trust them again, and now she was all alone in a new place, that was probably cold and scary...

The bus that picked Marinette up for school couldn't have been any less like the buses she saw and was used to. It was pink, and had the academy's name and logo printed on it in baby blue: Skyward Pine's School for Disabled Children. Skyward Pine's logo was a four-piece circle, each section decorated with something different: the top right section held a book, the section next to it sported a button and needle, the section underneath that had a crayon and the final section emphasized an angel halo. Each one, as it said in the pamphlet, represented something different, each one a guarantee of the school: the book was for education, the button and needle promising career preparation, the crayon stating creativity, and the halo represented character.

Marinette and her parents had gone through all those pamphlets, until they found this school. It was close enough by, and had a good reputation. It promised lots of things for Marinette to try, and would even set her up with a psychiatrist. Her parents had loved it, and Marinette figured this would be better than Hayewon's School for Girls.

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