Effects of Both Ends

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Lila sat on her bed, smiling to herself. This would surely take the cake.

This was a full report from Marinette's new school, that Clarice had obtained for her. Lila also had another inside man; a child named Griff, who suffered from juvenile trauma. He was spreading the word about Marinette's 'fake condition' and 'bad habits' and how she planned to make them all her minions.

Using the report, Lila could make it seem like Marinette was causing trouble at her new school, and that would give her parents no choice but to pull her out. Then, by making a few calls, juvenile services would be all ready for her.

Lila felt sick giddiness in her stomach at knowing Marinette's life was soon to be in shambles. With this in mind, she turned to Google for a list of traits that make a child a delinquent. The first thing she noticed was that the Google logo had been souped up to celebrate Suicide Awareness week. When she went to her website, a pop-up came on, telling her that one girl would be sixteen if she were alive today.

She would be sixteen, if she hadn't crossed Lila.

Lila clicked the story, and read through it, recognizing a couple of names. One in particular struck her hard; the birthday girl.

Beatrix Belle.

Beatrix had been Lila's first friend in Venice. When they moved there, she had gotten deep into her lying habit. Beatrix seemed to buy it, only to start spreading around the fact that Lila was a liar.

She had to go.

It was the first time Lila's invisible attacks led to a grizzly ending.

First, the light in Beatrix's eyes went out. Then, she lost her sparkle.

Then, she found her mothers sleeping pills.

Lila felt a tad bit guilty at that, and shed some tears in mourning. But, it was Beatrix's decision to take the lowest road.

Lila figured she'd be lucky if Marinette didn't go that way.

But, then again, Marinette was more fragile now, easy to get to.

Lila would have to take good care of her little followers.

Griff could help with that.

Adrien and Chloe usually talked when they visited each other. This time, Chloe sat on his bed, speechless.

"I'm sure that's her plan." Adrien told Chloe. "She's going to make Marinette's life nothing but shambles. I don't know how, but if she does, it'll make Mrs. Bustier feel even worse, and it'll make the class feel worse when they find out the truth." Chloe thought for a moment,then sighed. "I promised myself I'd never do this again." she stood up, walked to the door, and opened it.

"DADDY!" Adrien smiled. "Thanks for doing it for good, Chloe." Chloe nodded. "No one messes with my little sister Marikins!"

"so, that's what happening." Nino told his folks. "Even my girlfriends' fallen for it." Mr. Lahiffe stroked his chin in thought. "You know, Nino. when you know someone's lying. the best thing to do is tell someone."

"But who?!" The teen stressed. "She even has the principal wrapped around her finger." Chris looked at his big brother. "Maybe, you should go up to her in your big strong voice, and go 'stop it.'" Nino chuckled. "Not a bad suggestion, buddy, but I already tried."

"Maybe, you should find someone else who's important, and tell them!"

"But who?"

"Maybe, you should try putting it in a rap!" The family laughed, and Nino rubbed Chris's head. "I would, but that would make me no better then her. Even so, there isn't a rapping opportunity coming up soon.

"Maybe," his mother told him, in her gentle calming voice. "You should find some proof she's lying, and show it to the teacher. I'm sure she'd love to see." Nino nodded. "I know. I just wish I knew what Lila's up too. We have to stop her before it's to late."

"Oh come one, son." Mr. Lahiffe admonished. "How much trouble could a girl your age cause?"

"She's trying to get rid of Marinette, Dad. For good. One way, or another."

Lila checked out some juvenile detention centers online, wondering which one Marinette might go to. Marinette would never survive in any of these places! She was too shy, to nice. And, she'd feel even worse once Lila made her point clear.

Marinette disappointed everyone. And she didn't even do anything.

Lila against Adrien, Chloe and Nino, in the fight for Marinette's rescue from torture.

Neither side knew what was really coming.

But both sides were ready.

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