Marinette's Nightmare

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Marinette tossed and turned in her crib. she couldn't sleep. That kid, Griff, was being Lila now.

Griff had told other kids Marinette was faking. He told them she didn't belong there. now, she had to wander the halls feeling confused stares, and glares of disgust.

She sighed. Lila was behind this somehow. The Italian girl wouldn't stop until Marinette's life was wrecked. No friends, a disappointed family, no place to go. She'd probably try to make them move, or do something worse..

Marinette didn't understand these feeling inside her tummy, swirling together and making her feel sick. She couldn't shake Griff's words from her head.

A burden. Did her parents really see her as that?

Speaking of her parents, she heard them whispering downstairs.

"This isn't good, Tom." Sabine fussed. "Marinette can't go around feeling all this negative emotion, It's like she's baring the world on her shoulders!"

"Childhood is supposed to be a time of happiness. If this Lila character wrecks it..." Tom clenched his fists. Sabine patted his arm. "Well, surely there's something we can do."

The phone rang, startling them both. Tom grabbed it before the noise could wake his daughter. "Hello?"

"ah, yes, hello Mr. Dupain." It was Mayor Bourgeois. "I'm afraid my daughter has some shocking news about yours." The Mayor had their number, ever since Chloe and Marinette had basically become sisters. Chloe babysat, Marinette visited, all that jazz.

Tom listened on the other end, before putting it to speaker so Sabine could listen. "Chloe has a plan, but I thought I'd better consult you first. I promise, I'm looking into Skyward Pines right now, so I'll have plenty of detail on Marinette's end..."

Nino hing up the phone, thinking deeply. The plan Adrien just told him about was risky. But it would sure work.

What Nino was worried bout was that they were going to be bullying a bully.

"what's wrong, Nino?" Chris wandered into the room, still in his pajamas. Nino smiled at him, and sat next to him on his bed. "Well, Chris-O, I'm having sort of an existential crisis." Chris tipped his head.

"That girl I was talking about at dinner? Well, Adrien has an idea, but he needs my help. The thing is, we'll basically be humiliating her in front of a bunch of people, so..."

Chris interrupted. "Why don't you tell her afterward, that it was her fault. She lies all the time anyway, so it's her fault because she spread these lies." Nino smiled, and ruffled Chris's hair. "Wise, little dude. Wise."

Hawk Moth stood in his lair, overlooking the city. Lila had just given him her latest plot. It was going to be incredibly effective, and crush Marinette's life and spirit for good. It was cruel. It was ruthless. It was vile and utterly the most horrible plan she could ever come up with. Marinette would have to leave a city full of broken hearts behind, knowing she didn't break those hearts, and Lila had won.

Made her life a living nightmare.

Hawk Moth thought it was a brilliant plan. A plan no teenager could've ever come up with. A plan that...he didn't want to try.

Nathalie, sitting some ways behind him, spoke up. "Sir. You care for the girl." Hawk Moth lowered his head. "Nooroo, Dark wings fall." Nooroo floated beside him. "I think you're starting to see her as a daughter." Gabriel couldn't deny them. Ever since Adrien's friendship with her, he'd felt something for her. She wasn't like the other girls. She cared about his feelings, and didn't want to hurt him. She was sweet and innocent, kind and trustworthy.

he couldn't let Lila hurt her so bad.

"Sir, I overheard Chloe and Adrien talking to Mr. Bourgeois. They have a plan."

"Maybe, you could contribute to it." Nooroo offered. Gabriel suddenly felt a strong negative emotion...coming from if Lila's plan had already taken place....

"Nooroo, dark wings rise!"

Marinette rolled over in her bed, sighing. She loved her new school, why did Griff have to ruin it?

A purple butterfly appeared over her face. Coconut sat next to her, covered in a purple aura.

"My dear Marinette. Such injustice must be corrected, no?" Marinette shook her head. "You can't make me do anything evil."

"I don't want you too. I've taken a shine to you, my dear, and I want to help. If the good people can't or won't do anything, why can't a bad person try?"

"...Don't hurt anyone."

"Oh, I won't. I'm simply planning some special powers...just for you, Crybaby."

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