Miraculous Moth

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The Miracu-Force, as they decided to call themselves, spent most of their free time together. Clarice and Marinette had lots to say about their new school, and Adrien became calmer, thankful that his Princess was somewhere safe. He and Oliver kept an eye on things at Francois DuPont, although they were in different classes.

Unfortunately, not all the news was good news.

"So, you've got Lila believing you're on her side?"



"Because," Clarice sighed. "Marinette and I are going to frame her for taking advantage of minors, and stealing from the school for disabled children. If she thinks I'm supporting her, she can't lie her way through it." Adrien nodded thoughtfully. "That'll go good with our plan."

"What about Griff?" Marinette inquired. "Griff won't get into any trouble," Clarice assured her. "He's naive. He'd follow Lila anywhere. I heard that conversation. Lila promised him cookies. Besides, Griff can't tell truth from lie anyway." The other three nodded their heads in understanding.

"So, Oliver. You want in on this?" Oliver opened his mouth to speak, but Summi burst out of his pocket. "Yes! Yes! Yes, I do!"

"Summi, get down!" Oliver shoved Summi back into his pocket. Adrien smiled. "We could use him."

The four of them talked about their plan, getting more and more excited, unaware that they were being watched.

Hawk Moth looked through his window in amusement. His son was clever, he was proud to admit that. He was genuinely surprised that his nephew agreed to help. The boy could use a little boost in his confidence.

He didn't know who the girl with short hair next to Marinette was, but she seemed to be running the whole thing.

He had to admit, this was a good plan.

And there were a few ways both Gabriel and Hawk Moth could help...

Lila sat at the lunch table, listening to the chatter.

"I hope she's miserable at that madhouse!"

"I can't believe she's such a bully!"

"Such a liar!"

"She didn't text me back."

It never failed to amaze Lila at how easy people were manipulated.  Heck, she could even pull off a backup plan. All she needed to do was make sure she kept her victim face on, especially when showcasing Marinette's latest evil deed.

"When she was akumatized," Lila whimpered. "She broke my arm. Now, my wrist is even worse!" That had gone a long way. Lila even found herself a clean cast to prove it, and had all the signatures on it from her class.

Alya brooded in her seat, wondering. How had Marinette fooled her?

"I'm going to Venice for a few weeks to visit some of my parent's friends. I won't be around. Hopefully, by the time I get back, my arm will be better." Alya grinned. "Can you send me some pictures?" Lila giggled. "Sure Alya! Id' love to. You did help me with my writing after all." With a broken arm, Lila couldn't write.

Max, however, stood at the far end. He hadn't really believed Lila's napkin story. He thought it was a joke. Now, he was wondering what else she'd lied about...

Nathalie set down the tray with a smile. It was nice having Marinette over.

"I just don't get it," Tom commented, chatting with Gabriel. "Why does Lila hate her so much?" While the grownups talked, Marinette and Adrien and Chloe enjoyed the cookies and milk. Chloe and Adrien had agreed to surprise Marinette, and kept most of the plan a secret from her. And, of course, Marinette would be there to see it.

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