06: The Invitation

Start from the beginning

                Without a word he pointed to a seat in the middle row. I sighed and placed my papers on my assigned desk before unzipping my pencil case to retrieve a blue pen. I was about to scribble some random nonsense on the first answer section, but then I took a closer look at question one. The first word was 'Research', and researching usually meant fooling around on computers. Unless The Chief decides to chuck a pile of books at me. 

                I cleared my throat "Um, che- Mr. Cohen,  It says I have to research, so I was wondering if I could use the computer at the back of the classroom." I said in the most polite way I could bare

Before he could respond, the door opened. All three of us turned our heads to face the latecomer. It was Freddie, carrying his assignment, but with no pencil case in hand. He assigned Freddie the seat directly in front of me before giving me my response; a simple shake of the head. Fuck.

                "There are some books down the back, I'll see if I can fish them out for you." he rose from his seat and began searching through a dusty box of books, probably all published in the 70's. I rolled my eyes while The Chief wasn't looking. 

                I was suddenly tapped on the shoulder by Freddie. "Hey, have you got a spare pen?" I nodded and started ruffling around my compact pencil case in search of a writing device. The Chief suddenly came bounding towards us with a box of musty information books.

                "No talking." he said to Freddie in particular "Share these amongst the two of you."

                Then it was back to silence. I handed Freddie a pencil. He muttered a quick 'Thanks' and somehow, The Chief took no notice. I picked up one of the books and flipped to a random page, pretending it matched question one, even though the information typed on it was probably useless. The silence was unbearable. I looked up from my book, expecting someone to say something, but then I remembered, this wasn't class, this was detention. The only noise was the sound of the quiet girl's pen scribbling away and the never ending ticking noise that came from the clock. I was tempted to get off my seat, snatch the pen off the girl, then throw the basketball in the corner directly at the clock so it would break and stop ticking.

                I was bored, simple as that. I glanced at The Chief and came to the conclusion that he reminds me of Professor Snape from the Harry Potter books; both is personality and appearance - except for the fact he's bald. I shall now refer to him as Severus. 

                Without warning, another teacher who I don't know the name of knocked on the door and Severus rose from his seat. The two teachers discussed something in hushed whispers. I listened close to try and decipher what they were saying, but their voices were suspiciously quiet. Suddenly, the two teachers left the classroom and went bounding down the corridor.

                There was a pregnant pause. All three of us were expecting someone from our group to introduce conversation into the prison cell.  The first person to speak was Freddie.

                "What a tosser." he was obviously referring to Severus

                "Yeah," I agreed 

                No words escaped the quiet girl's mouth, she was still urgently scribbling on her paper. Honestly, how much do you have to write? Or maybe Severus is making her do lines. Yeah, that seems a likely explanation.

                "Why did the principle hire such a prick?" he asked rhetorically

                I closed my book and placed my pen on the desk, as starting a conversation with Freddie seemed much more entertaining. I stare out the classroom window, hoping something would inspire a topic. My boring side decided to come out and start talking about the weather. 

                "Pretty shit weather, isn't it?" I nodded my head over to the falling droplets of rain outside

                "I would hate to have football practice today." he commented

                "I thought you were in the football team." 

                "Nah, I quit a few months back. I just didn't enjoy it anymore." there was a pause "Are there any extra-curricular activities you do?'

                "I run...a blog." my response caused him to laugh. I found this weird, as I have never been the cause for a guy to be amused

                "Do you want to see if we can spend some time on the computer before Cohen gets back?" he asked and I nodded eagerly. 

                There was only one computer in the classroom, so we would have to share. We spend the next half hour surfing the internet and watching things on youtube - after Freddie found a way to hack the system and unlock all the blocked websites. I logged onto twitter as well. Freddie told me his twitter name and I followed him. To finish our online fun, we took a webcam of ourselves pulling silly faces and uploaded it to both twitter and facebook.

                Severus did not return until it was time for us to leave. He kept insisting that he see our assignments, but we kept reminding him that it isn't legal for him to keep us for any longer. Surprisingly, we won the argument.

                We walked out of the school grounds together. We had to go out separate ways when we reached the front gate.

                "See you later." he said casually

                But the real question is, when is later?


I know this is probably getting boring for you, and it feels more like a teen fiction, rather than fan fiction,  but don't be alarmed, the next chapter will be full of Zayn. 

The picture is of Lou and someone in high school, taking a webcam. It's pretty much how I imagined Freddie and Avalon's picture

I'm going to start giving you guys questions at the end of each chapter, so:

Question 1: Who is your favourite from 1D?

Answer in the comments!

Don't forget to vote and tell me what you think!

It All Started with a Tweet [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now