The Rebellion

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"Ahhhhh!" I screamed.

"Ok, this is getting old, I've been falling for the past three days."

I finally landed and I landed hard on my butt. It hurt. It really hurt.
I stopped rubbing my sore buttocks and took a look around my new enviroment. Except it wasn't new. It was Elmore. A much darker and stinkier version. Super stinky.

"What happened here?" I said in a daze. I looked around again. "How long have I been gone?" I said in absolute shock at how things have changed. It was Elmore and it wasn't Elmore. It's home and it isn't home. It's real and it isn't real.

I turned around and saw a weird kid standing on the pavement. I ran over to him and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Hey, where am I?" I asked.

"Your in Elmore, dudeeeeeee."the weird kid said.


"Your in Elmore, dudeeeeee."he said again.

"Ok, dudeeeeeeee?!" I responded.

"No no only I say, dudeeeeeee." The weird kid said before walking away.

"Weirdo." I mumbled.

I decided to take a walk and familarise myself with my new environment. I stopped outside an old abandoned house. It was diplated and moldy. It's front door was shut and the windows had curtains. I stared at the windows until the curtains revealed a weird shadow behind it. Curiosity got the best of me and I walked to the front door and rapped my knuckles on it. It opened in a slowly with a creepy squeak. I walked inside the strange building.

"Hello, is anybody home?" I asked walking through the piles upon piles of dirty laundry.

I took a few more steps to the staircase. Until I heard a sound then I slowly turned around. As soon as I did a dude hit me with a baseball bat and I blacked out.

I started to open my eyes slowly and saw that I was tied to a chair in a really dark room.

"Hello, is anyone there?" I asked.

Then a light shined above me.

"What's your name?" A voice from afar asked.

"My name is Gumball Watterson, sir..." I said fearfully.

"Liar!" The mysterious person shouted."Ok, let me ask another question, where's Penny?" The mysterious person said firmly.

"Oh, that's easy she lives right across the street I can show you her house if you w-" I said before he cut me off saying.

"You think I'm a fool! Do you know who I am?" The voice shouted from afar.


"Maybe you should get a closer look."

The mysterious figure was slowly walking out of the shadows. I squinted my eyes to get a look until it was all clear. The squeaky voice and the extreme shortness.

"A-A-Anais?" I said in confusion.

"How do you know my name?." MV Anais said firmly.

"Duhh, I am your brother well not exactly. I am from another universe." I responded.

We stood there in silence for a while. Then MV Anais broke out in laughter. A few minutes past as she was rolling on the floor wheezing.

"You shapeshifters come up with the worst lies." MV Anais said.

"Shapeshifters?! You mean like Penny?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh, so you do know where she is."

"What? Do you care to explain what is going on?" I asked in curiousity.

"Penny and her group have taken over Elmore. She kidnaps my brother and brings a slimy old shapeshifter to fool me." She said angrily.

"No, no, I am telling the truth. I'm not sure but I think one glowing bicycle wheel thingy brought me here." I responded with a little shiver. I knew I was telling the truth but that was a little bit crazy.

She started walking towards me. She came closer, closer and closer. I closed my eyes waiting to recieve my death sentence. I waited for some time. Nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that she was at the door.

"You coming?" MV Anais asked.

When I looked at myself I saw that my ropes where untied. I sighed in gratitude and got up from the chair and followed her.

As soon as I walked out of the dark room ,I saw a really cool bunker with high-tech stuff. In other words super cool new toys.

"Wait a minute, it just came to me. My brother wasn't kidnapped, he's just in your universe." She said.

"Can you please describe your brother." I asked in curiousity.

"He's agreesive, deadly, he has a short temper, and he hates rules." MV Anais answered

"Oh no." I said.


Hello I'm The writer of this book. I hope you enjoyed the story. Chapter 3 will be released soon, so stay tuned.

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