Chapter Twenty-Eight: Whatever Fight They Have Left

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Jesus, you guys worked fast! It only took you eight or nine hours after the thing was published! It may seem like a while but to me that's like seeing fire underwater! (Spongebob doesn't count) Well, here you go! Ima keep my promise! :) 


"Come here." I reply. He makes his way over to me. "What happened that all the doctors around me are so worried about?"

"Your heart stopped during the surgery..." Caleb trails off. "they thought you were dead but then you woke up."

"Where's Agnes? Is she ok?" I ask.

"Louis, Agnes is..."


"in a coma. Her heart stopped for a while and she was dead like you were, but for a longer amount of time. They said that she was in the worst condition they've ever seen somebody in for decades." Caleb explains.

"What aren't you telling me?" I ask as worry dances across his facial features.

"Louis." Caleb sighs. "They said that whatever fight she has left in her, whether it's a lot or a little, it;s not going to matter because it will all be drained if she wakes up."

"If?" My eyes widen.

"There's only a 7% chance of her living at this point." Caleb forces out. "If there is a miracle that she does wake up then she will never be the same."


*Caleb's POV* 

I swallow the lump in my throat before pushing open the door to Agnes' room. I slap my hands over my eyes, nod needing to see anymore than what I had. With Louis asleep, I race back to the waiting room where everyone has been waiting for an hour and a half.

"Caleb, what's wrong?" Niall asks, tears still falling from his eyes when I run up into his arms. I cry into his neck, feeling helpless as to what has happened this past year.

"Sh-she looked a-aw-f-ful." I slur.

"Are they both ok?" Niall asks while rubbing my back in circles.

"Yes." I answer through my tears. "She had a tube down her throat and there was a giant bandage on her head and her arm is in a cast and her leg is in some metal pole thing and-"

"Shhh." Niall hushes me. "I-I..."

"Go ahead." Zayn picks me up right before Niall runs out towards the bathroom. Harry gets up out of his seat to go follow him. I wrap my arms around Zayn's neck and cry into his jumper.

*Niall's POV* 

I can picture it exactly. I can see what he saw in there. The thought of Agnes hooked up to so many machines and wires, unable to push back against the things that were killing her slowly. Oh God. With the thoughts rushing through my head, I am once again over the toilet bowl.


*Liam's POV* 

My heavy eyes flutter open, revealing the dark waiting room. Niall and Caleb were asleep in each others' arms on the couch, Zayn was sprawled out all over the floor, Harry was upside-down while hanging off a chair, and Eleanor was on the cot.

I stand up, stretching my arms and legs out. I glance out into the hallway to see a shirtless Louis being rushed towards the wing of the hospital with operating rooms. My eyes widen and I run out to them.

"What's happening?!" I squawk.

"His lung is about to collapse, we need to get him into a transplant right now." One of the many doctors around him tells me.

"Is he gonna be ok?" I fret.

"If we can get him there in time." He replies. My feet gluing to the floor, I catch the fear in his eyes as he is pushed around the corner.

I run my fingers through my hair, leaning against the wall, and sliding down to the floor. This was all my fault. If I hadn't started dating Justice then this wouldn't have happened. If I hadn't done a lot of things then this wouldn't have happened. God, I'm an idiot.

"Liam?" Danielle's angelic voice fills my ears. I look down the hallway to see her wrapped up in about three jackets, snow covering them. "What's wrong?"

"Louis could die." I croak. "Agnes has almost a 100% chance of dying." She shreds her layers of coats before sitting next to me.

Ok, I'm sorry, If I Stay credit again...

"They are both stronger than that. The two of them would never leave you guys out in the blue like that. It may seem like it's all in the doctors, but they are running this whole show. Whether they go, whether they stay, it's all up to them."

"Danielle, but what if they chose to go?" I cry. "Agnes was the one who wanted to jump off that bridge in the first place, what if she still wants to leave us?"

"Then know that it's not your fault and she had to do it for her own sake. As for Louis, his life has been a living h*ll for twenty-one years, we'd all understand if he wanted to go."

"They would know they're leaving us though."

"They would, at the same time they would know what would be better for you, for all of us. As people they have grown so much, but in reality they have just been getting older but not living how they should. The two of them have been chained down for so long and this is their chance to be free."

"What if we don't want them to be free? Free means letting them go."

"It's all up to them. I don't think any of you guys realize how agonizingly painful it would be for them to stay. It would be easier for them to go."


"That doesn't mean they want to leave, it means that it would be easier. Not easier for all of us, not easier for anyone, but easier for the people that have kept us all alive since we met. They are the glue for us, keeping us all together, but never letting themselves get away from all these things that are killing them on the inside."

"I want them to stay."

"Me too." She lays her head on my shoulder and sighs. "Me too."

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