Chapter One: We're Back Home!!!

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"I get to ride in a wheelchair b****!" I say as Louis pushes one in. He rolls his eyes. "I am so sorry, I'm going insane. I hate this place."

"Well lets just get you outta here mama." Louis laughs. I giggle standing up. I walk around. Niall already got June dressed and put her in the car seat. I jump onto the wheelchair. Niall puts June on my lap. Louis pushes behind me since Niall was carrying everything we had brought.

"How long is the car ride home?" I ask.

"Twenty minutes." Louis answers.

"It felt like twenty seconds the other day." I reply.

"That's because Niall was speeding." Louis smiles.

"Oh..." I trail off. "I'm as good as drunk right now. I had cookies and I'm exhausted."

"We figured that out a while ago Ag." Niall chuckles.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"You might want to lay both of these girls down for a nap when you get home." Louis whispers something to Niall. He nods. Ok, Niall just agreed to something. Nothing happened in the car ride. I rode in the back where June and I had a staring contest.

"I'll see you guys for game night later, yeah?" Louis asks.

"Yup!" I pop the 'p'.

"I'm proud of you." Louis whispers kissing my forehead. I smile as he walks across the street.

"I'm tired." I yawn laying my head on Niall's shoulder.

"Then go take a nap babe. I can take care of things since you fed June before we left." Niall responds.

"Ok." I sigh. I skip upstairs into our room which was just like we left it. Without changing clothes I drop onto the bed closing my eyes.


"How has today been? I haven't seen you in two days." Hannah says while cuddling June.

"Alright. Louis, Eleanor, and Caleb came. We went back home, I had a nap, and here we are!" I exclaim.

"June is such an easy child, it's mad." Hannah states the obvious.

"Considering Niall is her father, she won't be like that for long." Eleanor says.

"I know right." I laugh. "When I have another kid I want to go into labor during the day."

"YES!" Niall screams from the other room. "We're gonna have another kid someday!"

"Yeah well next time don't scream, you scared the daylights out of June." I tell him.

"Sorry." Niall whispers, pressing his index finger to his lips. I smile.

"Has anyone seem Liam lately?" I ask.

"I haven't seen him all day." Zayn frowns. I prop my head up with my hand. He was probably with the girl that didn't care about him.

"You're doing it again." Hannah smirks.

"Doing what?" I furrow my eyebrows together.

"It's like when Liam told us he got a girlfriend. You don't like it." El states the obvious.

"Of course I don't like it, she is going to hurt him." I fret.

"How do you know?" Hannah asks.

"The way she treats him." I shake my head. "She doesn't give a crap about what he things but he's being 'Mr. Blind' and doesn't see it. She's a b**** and a jerk. Liam hasn't even met June because she has been keeping him from coming. I''m worried about him, I don't want her to break his heart."

"Yeah." Eleanor sighs. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I can't talk to him. He will be hurt that I don't like his girlfriend." I say.

"If you tell Liam why maybe it won't be that way." Hannah tries to make me feel better.

"I don't know." I moan. "I think he made a mistake."

"I suck at this game! Sweet baby Jesus!" Harry shouts.

"Did someone say cheese-it? I would kill for a cheese-it." I laugh.

"Hey!" A familiar voice chirps. I look over my shoulder to see Liam! And Justice...

"Hey, I thought you couldn't come." Harry says.

"We're free for fifteen minutes before Liam takes me to the jewelry store." Justice replies. My fists clench. She was using him!!!

"And I need to see this one." Liam smiles walking over. Hannah gives June to him. I watch as Liam talks to her and she hiccups and lets out cries in response. I can't help but smile. It was almost as cute as June watching her reflection in the mirror earlier.

"Liam, babes, we gotta go." Justice inturrupts one of their 'conversations'.

"Ok." Liam huffs. He puts June into my arms and kisses my cheek. "Bye."

"Liam." I call after him. He seems to not hear then runs out the door with Justice.


"I'm worried about Liam." I look up at Niall as we lay in bed. We were talking before June wakes up to be fed.

"Why?" Niall asks.

"His girlfriend is going to hurt him." I pout digging my head into his chest.

"Awww." Niall coos rubbing my back. "Love, Liam is a big boy, he can handle this himself. If you talk to him it will make things better. The longer you wait the harder it will be though. You would want him to talk to you if it was the other way around."

"Yeah." I mumble, keeping my head burried in his shirt. "You'd never be that much of an a**." Niall chuckles.

"I love you so much." Niall says, planting a kiss on my head, continuing to rub my back. It felt good.

"I love you so much more." I murmur before kissing him. I knot one of my hands into his hair. My eyes flutter shut. This boy was perfect. Our phones buzzing brings the snogging session to an end. We both let out a groan grabbing them off the nighstands.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Hey you two! It's already been announced by someone that will not be named that @Agnes_Tommo and @Niall_Official had their baby. People are expecting some pics. Love u three!!! <3 <3 <3

"Tomorrow?" Niall asks me.

"Sure." I shrug smiling. I guess people were going kind of crazy. The baby moniter goes off after five minutes. "Go to sleep. I'll handle the little one."

"Ok." Niall replies. He kisses my nose before I walk into the nursery. I scoop June out of her crib and she almost immediately stops crying. I head over to the rocking chair to feed my baby girl. I was so relaxed it was amazing.

Check out the external link to see a gif of Louis and their baby. Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

-OneDirectionluv3845 XOXO

I Had A Superstar's Baby? -Niall Horan Fan Fiction-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant