Chapter Twenty-Four: Spaces

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"I don't want to have to do this." Niall sobs into my shoulder. I frown, rubbing his back in circles. I felt so bad for all of the boys, none of them wanted to do this performance, but they had to.

"I know." I murmur, tears welling up in my own eyes. This was the hardest thing for all of them to do, but they all knew it would be for the best. We stand there clinging onto each other for dear life.

"It's your turn." Simon shows up at the dressing room door. All of our heads snap over to him, fear and tears clear in all of our eyes. "You boys had a good run, it's never too late to change your mind, remember that. Who knows, this may just be a break until you all figure this out. It's good that you're getting this time, you need it for the past years you've been working hard in. Come on."

I pick June up out of her car seat. Simon hugs us all as we file out of the dressing room and towards the stage. Niall wraps an arm around my waist once his Irish flag ear pieces are in. He grabs a microphone.

"I love you." Niall whispers into my ear.

"I love you too." I smile up at him. The lights in the stadium turn off and we all shuffle onto the stage.

"Now, for a very, very special performance with their families, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you, One Direction." Simon announces. Josh, Sandy, Dan, and John begin playing. Niall's shaking hand brings his microphone to his mouth.

"Who's gonna be the first one to start the fight?" Niall sings. A light shines onto him, June, Caleb, and I. "Who's gonna be the first one to fall asleep at night?

"Who's gonna be the last one to drive away?" Louis sings, another light shining on him and Eleanor. "Who's gonna be the last one to forget this place?"

"We keep taking turns." Zayn sings, a light going onto him and Hannah.

"Oh-woah-oh." Niall and Louis sing.

"Will we ever learn?" Zayn sings. 

"Oh, the spaces between us!" The boys sing, lights going onto Harry and Jami and Liam, Danielle, Justice, and Ed. "Keep getting deeper! It's harder to reach ya! Even though I try. Spaces between us! Hold all our secrets! Leavin' us speechless! And I don't know why."

"Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?" Niall sings. 

"Who's gonna be the first one to compromise?" Liam sings. "Who's gonna be the first one to set it all on fire?"

"Who's gonna be the last one to drive away?" Louis sings. "Forgetting every single promise we ever made."

"Oh, the spaces between us!" The boys sing. "Keep getting deeper! It's harder to reach ya! Even though I try. Spaces between us! Hold all our secrets! Leavin' us speechless! And I don't know why."

"Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?" Liam sings.

"We keep taking turns." Zayn sings, the other lights going out and one remaining on him and Hannah.

"Oh-woah-oh." Louis and Niall sing as we all begin making our way to the middle of the stage with Zayn and Hannah.

"Will we ever learn?" Zayn sings.

"Oh-woah-oh." Louis and Niall sing.

"When will we learn?" Zayn sings.

"Oh, the spaces between us!" The boys sing, all the lights going on again and red and white confetti shooting out over the seats. "Keep getting deeper! It's harder to reach ya! Even though I try. Spaces between us! Hold all our secrets! Leavin' us speechless! And I don't know why."

"Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?!" Harry sings. "Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?!"

"There's spaces between us!" Niall sings. "Yeah, spaces between us." The boys share a look with each other, tears streaming down everyone's faces.

"Goodbye." The boys say at the same time. With that, we all walk off the stage.

I really just need like a day to cry over that. Just give me some time, the update may be a day late.


I'm back, let's do this, I just need to keep breathing.  


"Niall?" I call out, pushing open the door to our bedroom. He was sprawled out over the bed with tear-stained cheeks and June cuddled up against his side. Niall turns his head over, eyes meeting mine.

"Hmm?" Niall hums.

"I got your hot chocolate." I give him a half smile. I walk over, handing him the warm cup.

It's been a week since they called a quits on One Direction. Each of the boys have just stayed in bed since, crying and muttering how they regretted it. The girls and I have no idea what to do and we're starting to get worried about them. It isn't healthy for them to stay cooped up like this.

"Thank you." Niall mumbles before taking a sip of the light brown liquid.

"She's hanging onto you like her life depends on it Nialler." I tell him while sitting down beside him, motioning towards June. Her small fingers were clutching onto Niall's shirt tightly with both hands as she slept.

"Yeah." Niall smiles weakly. "Agnes?"

"Yes?" I lay down next to my husband.

"What if we made a mistake doing this?" Niall asks. "Like, what if we weren't really meant to end it so soon? All I can feel is regret right now, I feel like we made a bad decision."

"You're not the only one." I sigh. "The boys have been in the same position as you all week. They've each been questioning it too much as well."

"So you're saying that they've stayed in bed all this time too?" Niall asks. I nod. "I'm sorry for making you take care of me like this."

"Don't be sorry." I shake my head. "You've been taking care of me all this time and now it's my turn. I love you enough to deal with this as long as you are upset."

"I love you too." Niall murmurs. I leave a kiss on his lips, hoping that I can take away all of this pain life has flung at him.

I Had A Superstar's Baby? -Niall Horan Fan Fiction-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin