Chapter Six: Try To Fix You

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"Just give her time Zayn, I promise she will come back." I hush him as he cries into my neck. I felt so bad for both of them! I've gone to each of them everyday and all they do is sob. I've never seen Zayn so upset, it's depressing.

"It's been ages!" Zayn cries.

"It's only been a week." I hold him closer.

"It feels like forever." Zayn groans.

"I know." I whisper.


"Any luck?" Niall asks when I come downstairs.

"No." I shake my head and sit down between him and Harry. "Poor thing cried himself to sleep."

"Do you think he'll be ok?" Harry asks.

"Eventually." I nod. "For now he just needs to cry until he finds out what to do. Neither of them seem ready to face the other."

"Paps ruin everything, they need to get proper jobs." Louis frowns while cuddling June.

"And we know shooting them with nerf guns does nothing." Eleanor scowls at my older brother. I laugh. 

"I wish they could leave us alone. They should leave everyone alone." Niall states the obvious. "What pictures did they even use in the magazine?" 

"Photoshop." I roll my eyes. "Though it was a cute, it definitely had a lot of damage to it."

"How are people taking it on twitter?" Harry asks.

"Not well." Louis chuckles. "It's amusing to see fans telling them off."

"Your mind is messed up." Eleanor shakes her head.

"Thank you." Louis smiles.


The whole stadium falls silent when Hannah doesn't get up after being knocked down at the football game. "Call Zayn and her parents!" I exclaim. It happened in a blur. Medics were rushed out and Louis, Eleanor, Niall, Harry, Jami, Caleb, and I all run down the bleachers. Just as we get down there Hannah is lifted into the ambulance. Without saying anything we all pile into the truck.

*Zayn's POV*

"I don't know what to do June." I sigh as she drinks her bottle. "I messed up with Hannah without doing anything. God, I'm stupid. Why do paps have to ruin everything?" Tears trickle down my cheeks. "Sometimes I just get sick of all this. Right now is a time where I wish I didn't go audition at three in the morning." My phone rings. "Hello?"

"Zayn! Holy s***! I thought you would never pick up!" Niall shouts.

"Quiet, you're gonna freak out your child." I tell him.

"Sorry..." Niall trails off. "Anyway, Hannah got knocked down and was taken to the hospital!"

"What?!" I squawk.

"Come on! Louis is speeding. You need to come to the hospital!" Niall yells.

"Hannah won't want me there." I say.

"Yes she will! Please come!" Niall begs.

"I'll meet you there with June I guess." I reply.

"Good boy!" Niall shrieks and hangs up.

"Your dad is a nut." I whisper. Once I get June into her car seat and grab the keys I drive down to the hospital. "Did you hear anything yet?"

"No." Louis answers as Agnes takes June from my arms. "Only family can have information right now."

"What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know, it was really hard to see with everyone running around. All we saw was that she was on the ground motionless." Jami explains while we all plop down around the waiting room.

"Why do I feel like this is my fault?" I ask.


"It's not your fault Zayn."

"Don't say anything like that again."

"Shut up."

"It wasn't you, I promise."

"There are two children here, don't those words."

"I'm not a child! And it wasn't you."

"I was talking about Louis."



"You're getting off topic." Agnes points out. "These things happen Zayn, no one can be blamed except for the grass."


*Hannah's POV*

After spending two days in the hospital I was happy to go home. I'm still upset though. Zayn came to the hospital but when they told him he could come in he ran off. It's been a week since then and I'm getting the hang of a broken wrist.

"Hannah." I hear mum call out. I look up at her. I was laying on the couch on a Saturday night watching The Hunger Games and eating ice cream when I could be out having a good time with Zayn. "You've only been out of the house twice in two weeks. Go take out the rubbish."

"But I'm injured." I whine. I just didn't want to get off the couch.

"It won't kill you." Mum responds. I groan before getting up. I take the bag and walk outside. Just my luck, it's raining. I sigh then walk down the driveway, shoving it into the bin. I glance up to see,"

"Zayn?!" I scream. Is he stupid?! "What the h*ll are you doing?!" I walk over and throw his stupid umbrella to the ground. "Are you insane?! You could get run over being out here!"

"I'm sorry. The pictures were photoshop. I still take full blame. I want you to forgive me even if it means we break up." Zayn says.

"You're still ignorant as f*ck for being out here." I reply as I drag him onto the pavement.

"I love you Hannah." Zayn murmurs.

"W-what?" I slur.

"God d*mmit, I love you!" Zayn shouts. My chest moves up and down rapidly.


“I am in love with you Hannah."

“Zayn,” I begin.

“And I know that love is just to shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and I am in love with you.” Zayn admits. I break down into tears and throw my arms around him. When I pull away Zayn takes my face in his hands, pressing his lips to mine.

*Zayn's POV*

I move in close, my arms around her waist. She slides her arms around my neck. "You're mine." Hannah mumbles. "You're gonna fix me aren't you?"

"I'm gonna try to fix you." I tell her.

The rain picks up and soaks our hair but our eyes are focused, we don't care. As the rain falls down I realize that I need her to move, to think, to breathe. I take a step back and look in her eyes. Hannah tells me she loves me and my heart explodes. If you believe perfection isn't real, kiss your girlfriend in the rain, and I'll promise you you'll feel it.

I'm so, so, so sorry I took forever! It's stressful because I don't know what I want to do in this story. I know what I want to do later for it, but not now. I'm so confused. Please give me suggestions and I'll make it happen. I have no idea what to do. I'll update whenever I can, if you can deal with my stupid schedule that would be great. Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

-Melanie XOXO

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