Chapter Twelve: Too Much Hospital Time

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*Liam's POV*

Once I leave Niall and Agnes' house I find myself becoming angrier and angrier with myself. I don't get why I let this happen.

Why did I let this happen? How could I have been so thoughtless and careless? I didn't even think twice about this happening. Why didn't I?

I'm not ready to be a dad. Justice will be a horrible mum. She could abort it or even kill it herself if I leave her alone. I can't let that happen. I'm not ready but I'd rather not be ready than lose a small piece of me.

I've completely screwed my life up. There isn't any way out of this trap. I have dug too deep of a hole and now I'm stuck. Really, really stuck.

I was hoping for things to get easier after Agnes gave birth to June but I was wrong. Everything has gotten a thousand times harder. I don't know how to deal with it. It's all so confusing to me. 

Where did I go wrong?

I lost a friend.

Somewhere along in the bitterness.

And I would have stayed up,

With you all night.

Had I known,

How to save a life.


*Louis' POV*

"It's not working!" I cry. "I'm sorry Eleanor, I really am, I've screwed up our whole future."

"Calm down Lou." Eleanor tells me, sitting beside me and wrapping her arms around my waist. She lays her head on my shoulder. "We haven't been trying for that long."

"I just want it to happen. It's taking too long." I choke out through my tears.

"These things take time anyway Louis. Don't give up. We're not quitters, are we?" El asks.

"No." I grumble.

"Then there isn't a reason for you to be upset." Eleanor says. "It will happen eventually, but right now isn't the best time. We're all stressed out. We can take a break from trying until we know a baby is what we actually need."

"But I do want a baby!" I shout.

"I never said you didn't." El shakes her head. "What I mean is, do we need a baby in our lives right now or will it just add to the stress?" She gets up off the couch and extends her hand to me. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" I ask as I stand up.

"To get you to be happy again." She drags me out the door.

*Agnes' POV*

"We're gonna be fine with the baby! We promise! They won't kill her! Hannah will take care of everything!" Harry exclaims.

"We can take her along." Niall offers.

"No! Enjoy your vacation and venue looking!" Harry groans.

"Fine." We huff at the same time, crossing our arms.

"Finally, it's like trying to tell a kid that they can't get a chocolate bar at the store." Harry sighs.

"Agnes can I-"

"No." I cut him off. "You already have three in your carry on." Niall pouts. It takes ten minutes for goodbyes then we are off to our plane.

We were flying to Ireland for a week and a half to visit Niall's family, have a relaxing time, and look at venues. We decided we wanted it to be in Ireland and we want it to be an outdoor wedding. I'm unbelievably excited.

"Thank you." I nuzzle my head into Niall's neck as the plane leaves land.

"Thank you." Niall whispers and kisses my head. A smile spreads across my face. This was going to be the best week and a half ever.


*Harry's POV*

We were all kind of just being lazy now. June was in the middle of a nap, Caleb was at school, and there was nothing good on TV. Liam hasn't gotten any better. He's currently crying while listening to The Fray and reading Twilight. Poor lad.

Danisnotonfire watchers, get ready to remember his Draw My Life video

Liam suddenly bursts up from his chair, tossing his book across the room and tearing out his headphones with water droplets pouring from his eyes. "I hate life! This is so boring and awful and I don't want this to be my life! So, what do I want to be my life?! It's too late to go back and make other choices! OH GOD!" Then he literally collapses to the ground sobbing and shaking.

We were all just kind of staring at him with wide eyes. None of us knew how to react to his sudden outburst. Our jaws were to the ground.

"Call Louis." I rush out.

"Lots of Louis." Zayn agrees as Hannah grabs the phone.

About five minutes later Louis and Eleanor bust through the door. The only difference between now and earlier was Liam was crying harder and shaking more violently.

"What happened?" Eleanor gapes out.

"He had kind of an outburst then just collapsed..." I trail off. The three of us were still in shock.

"And you didn't call 911?!" Louis yells.

"We didn't know what to do!" Zayn defends.

"When someone collapses and doesn't move except for shaking then you should probably call 911!" Louis shrieks as he picks Liam up off the ground. "One of you get June, meet us at the hospital." Louis hauls Liam out the door with Eleanor. I make a bee-line for the stairs while Zayn and Hannah rush to compose themselves so we can leave ASAP.

*Louis' POV*

Once we got Liam into the lobby they immediately took him away on a stretcher. I run my hands through my hair, confused as to what actually just happened. Eleanor wraps her arms around me. She seemed to know that I was all discombobulated. I couldn't think straight.

I had to figure out what happened. What? He screamed for no reason then collapsed and didn't move? That doesn't just happen. There has to be some explanation behind it. I'm going to find out everything and know where I went wrong.

I know it's kinda short, I didn't really know what else to do after that. Sorry. What do you think is wrong with Liam? I don't even know myself. :) Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

-Melanie XOXO

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