"Now, these belong to you, my bari bahu." (my elder daughter-in-law) She declared slipping the gold bangles in her hand.

"No, Ma. How can I take these...." Muntaha felt so weird accepting those kangans. They were beautiful undoubtedly. But she didn't know if she deserved them or not.

"First, you are calling me Ma and then denying me too. Ghalat baat." She said taking the second one and slipping it into her hand. They gleamed in the light making them more beautiful.

"Thankyou so much. These are lovely." Muntaha said jiggling the bangles in her hand and laughing. Aqsa kissed her head lovingly then said, "Now come on. We'll get late. Everyone is waiting downstairs."

Both the ladies went to Aiman's room to take her down so that they could leave for the hall. Muntaha praised her alot and recited a whole lot of verses and blew them on her to ward off evil eyes from the bride. They both helped her with her dress and took her to lounge where everyone was waiting. Aiman forgot her purse in the room and asked Muntaha to get it.

The mother-daughter duo descended down the stairs and everyone complemented the bride giving her duas. Her father hugged her and kissed her head follwed by her brothers. She was definitely looking ethreal in the bridal attire.

When the emotional episode ended and their relatives started piling in the cars to reach the venue, Faris asked what he has been thinking since Aiman and his mother came down

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

When the emotional episode ended and their relatives started piling in the cars to reach the venue, Faris asked what he has been thinking since Aiman and his mother came down.

"Ma, where is Muntaha?"

"Impatient, aren't we?" His mother teased, thoroughly enjoying his son's discomfort and laughed.

"See, there she is." She pointed to the stairs. Faris turned to look where his mother pointed and true to her words, Muntaha was coming down the stairs looking like a queen.

His queen.

Faris couldn't divert his gaze. He was enthralled by the beauty in front of him who happened to be his wife.

"Bhai, ese dekhain ge to nazar lag jaye gi Bhabhi ko. MaShaAllah hi boldain." (If you keep looking at sister-in-law like this, she'll catch evil eye, brother. Atleast say MaShaAllah.) Abdullah said near his brother's ear in a teasing voice and was surprised on not recieving a smack over the head. Instead his brother muttered 'MaShaAllah' still smitten by his wife's beauty.

His daze was broken when Zayyad Khan cleared his throat. Faris then took in his surroundings where his family had teasing smiles on their lips and his wife was blushing crimson. Zayyad Khan was followed by Faris who also cleared his throat and then followed by Abdullah who also cleared his throat and said, "Chalain?" (Shall we leave?)

"Yeah." Faris muttered, still embarrassed by his reaction on seeing Muntaha and left. He could hear the hall echoing with laughters of his dearest family who followed behind him.

Muntaha | ✔ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang