Namjoon comforting you during a panic attack 2

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Your tears fell onto Namjoon's shoulder and made dark, wet spot appear on his shirt while you clutched onto his torso tightly. Your sobs filled the room and broke the silence that had formed after Namjoon's heart wretching speech.
"Y/n... It's okay. Don't you feel bad about this."
His soothing voice made a shiver roll down your spine and you held your breath to stop weeping so hard but it was no use. He, of course, noticed how forced you were trying to stop and sighed while drawing circles on you back.
There you two were, holding onto each other until your legs gave in and he sunk to the floor with you slowly.

You lost track of time as you sat there, feeling Namjoon's regular heartbeat right next to yours and his body heat transfer to you. His eyes were closed and you leaned against his shoulder while your thoughts were starting to calm down.
"It's alright. Let it out, it's fine!", he cooed warmly and tightened his grip around you to secure you. He was right there. You were no longer alone. And you'd never be again. That was what his presence was telling you.

After a moment, all you could focus on was the way your chest rose and sunk down again and again and your tears finally stopped falling. When you lifted your head, you saw the dark spot you'd created on his shirt by crying but his face was calm and peaceful, closed eyes and a shy smile on his lips.
You took a moment to examine his soft features and had to smile as well, seeing how genuine he looked.
"Thanks Namjoon!", you whispered and reached out to cup his face.
"Why are you always there when I need you?"
He opened his eyes slowly and lifted his chin a little bit, staring right in your soul with a dark shimmer in his gaze.
"I told you already. If you don't want to see it then there's nothing I can do about it.", he responded after a short silence and you furrowed your eyebrows in thought about what he could mean. When he saw how confused you were about his comment he started to chuckle and ran his hand through his hair.

"Maybe I should go wash my face or something.", you suggested after a while of bickering where he insisted not to tell you again what he meant earlier so you dropped it.
"Sure. I'll wait here if that's okay."
You nodded and stood up, letting go of Namjoon before leaving the room. You didn't turn the lights on so that nobody would notice you sneaking towards the bathroom were you splashed a bit of cold water into your face to remove the tearstains and reduce the puffiness of your cheeks and eyes. When you got back to your bedroom, Namjoon was looking at your shelf where you'd placed an old photo of you when you were just a little kid. You were grinning into the camera excitedly so hard that your eyes were almost entirely closed and Namjoon scratched his neck.
"What happened that changed you since then?"

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