Chapter 16: Birthday Boy

Start from the beginning

I didn't eat too much because I didn't want to be bloated, I kind of regret eating cold foods earlier. I'm literally gonna sing in front of Hunter's rich ass family. They've probably seen Ariana Grande sing live, maybe they're even friends with her. Yeah, thinking that definitely made me feel so much better.

I suddenly ran into Rhea, surprised to see her here. 

"Hi!" I greeted, forcing the chewy gummy down my throat. 

She has a very interesting choice of dress which makes her melons show a little. Good thing I'm more of a berry guy.

She clasped my hands around hers, her gold jewelry on her hand cold on my skin. "This is very chic! I'm so happy I even got invited here. Thank you, Theo!" She said. 

I nodded with a smile. "Of course!" I said. 

We walked side by side. We got to know more about one another and apparently, we had a lot in common. We share the same sentiment about unnecessary school works.

"Well. What's your family status?" I asked her. 

She tucked a strand of her behind her ear. "My parents handles two multimillionaire companies." She said to which I laugh.

"Lucky you." I said, slowing down on walking.

She matched my pace, fiddling with her purse. "What about you?" She asked.

I sighed. "Totally opposite of you." I said. 

We went silent. Grateful she didn't push on the subject too much.

"Don't worry. It'll get better. I've been there. Some... family decided to take something from mine, and so... starting from the generation of my great great grandmother down to my mother, they were struggling. Finally, my mother decided to break the curse and worked hard. She was able to give me a good life." She said. Rubbing my arm in a friendly way. 

I smiled at her. "Thank you. We're not that close but hopefully we can see each other more." I said to her, she smiled at me back and bid me goodbye. 

She left and so I stayed sitting, observing my surroundings when suddenly, the nature called out to me. I needed to find a bathroom. 

Ugh, this is gonna be those cliche high school party stories where they run into some awkward shit just for looking for a bathroom. The only thing I could do to prevent that from happening is asking for a person that actually lives here where the bathrooms are. 

I decided to look for Hunter 'cause he was my best shot. But I couldn't hold it any longer. I decided to ask a girl, about my age, she had wavy ombre from white blonde to purple hair and good ass skill in makeup.

And somehow, she radiated good energy. Like positive energy. 

"Hi, may I know where's the bathroom?" I asked her. 

"Sure! Just go down that hallway, the third door to the left. But if you're going dodo, you can use the bathroom upstairs, It's the first door you'll see when you reach the top." She said and I nodded, mumbling a 'thank you' before going upstairs, successfully reaching my destination. 

I finished my business in under five minutes and after that, I decided to explore the house, if I could. 

I reached a deserted hallway, the music was quieter here and guests hasn't reached this part yet. It had dim lights, when suddenly a door opened slowly at the end of a hallway, it was a dark room. 

Nyctophobia is shook. Nyctophobia? Don't know her. 

I started to back away when I suddenly bumped into someone... I looked to see Alex! Hunter's brother, and he was looking like a snack. He's wearing something similar to Hunter's earlier, polo with the sleeves rolled.

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