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The huge, icey mountain that wrapped around the auburn haired compared nothing to the long, blistering scorch marks that she left behind on the ground of the speed lad in the wake of her body lighting on fire like an Australian bushfire times thou...

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The huge, icey mountain that wrapped around the auburn haired compared nothing to the long, blistering scorch marks that she left behind on the ground of the speed lad in the wake of her body lighting on fire like an Australian bushfire times thousand.

Frost blasted another shot, the ice bursting to bits and pieces, the young woman seemingly unharmed by its freezing temperature. "Come on let's get up." Ralph motioned for his friend's meta-human alter ego as her grabbed ahold of her arm, his thoughts wondering what the hell just happened.

It was not a moment after the duo had brought the unconscious Dibny woman up, that Barry skidded to a stop in the cortex. "What happened?" Cisco's eyebrow quirked up sarcastically at his question as he pressed a few button before a replay of the speed lab appeared on one of the screens. "Spontaneous combustion likes she's Spencer Shay." the Ramon man noted before heading over to Kenna.

" should've seen her face. It was cracks burst through the surface, coiling all over. Her eyes glazed over in flames I-" Ralph muttered, rubbing his face in disbelief. "I don't think she left her world in a normal way." Caitlin started. "She said, and we saw, that she was almost torched to death. What if, some how, the dark matter in her body was in overload and merged her cells with the fire as result? It's a theory but it might just be true." she suggested, tapping away on a tablet, a frown forming on her face.

"Somehow her body is still intact. Unlike the ground of the speedlab." the mechanical Engineer remarked sarcastically before bumping into Kenna's unconscious body on the bed, his eyes flashing over as his environment started flashing in between past and present.


The young girl clasped her hands around the cold shackles, chained to the wall of her containment cell that blocked out her powers as she was shaking uncontrollably as tears ran over her cheeks, anger burning in her eyes. "YOU KILLED HIM! YOU MONSTERS KILLED AN INNOCENT PERSON! He...He was my friend!" her voice shouted out to the unknown person in front of her.

A sinister smile formed on the figures crooked lips as they looked to their enemies in chains. "Be that as it may Miss Dibny, that exactly why he's dead in the first place. Not only did he violate the natural law with his mutation, he broke the law, helping you raise an army. It's hilarious to think that you thought that it would actually work. His screams as we plucked out the metal feathers from his wings one by one were pretty agonizing I have to say. Ah well, Mister Worthington will have a small mention in the history books as the last mutant. Is that a consolation?" the figure laughed loudly.

"We're the empire. We fight for the pure. The humans. The true people of this world." the figure said, prancing around the room with disdain. "People like you, people like Mister Worthington, they don't belong in this world. You're weeds in the beauty of normality, of nature. But, like weeds, you can just as easily be erased."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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