I spun, expecting that he was right behind me, but none of his presence was present until I received a text message from him saying something urgent suddenly came up, so he could no longer meet my parents.

It's not like I was going to introduce him as my boyfriend.

That wouldn't happen. Hell no.

I continued my footsteps through a long hallway until I reached a massive door at the end, with men in black suits roaming around and securing the place. As I was about to enter the hall, a middle-aged woman interrupted.

"Excuse me. Your name, please?" she asked, earning some attention from people around us.

"I am Doctor Demon Lewisham's daughter, Dominika Lewisham." She browsed her iPad and shook her head as she looked up to see me.

"I am sorry, but Doctor Lewisham and Attorney Parker are unable to attend, and your name is not on the guests nor VIP lists. We can't allow you to enter the party. Can you move aside, please?"

She motioned me to stay right beside the pathway because some of the guests were behind me, but I hadn't made any movement until she glared at me.

My brow shot up out of amusement. "So what if my name is not on the list?"

"Excuse me, Ma'am?" She scoffed. "We're just following the protocol for the sake of everyone's safety of the honorable people inside..."

"Let her in. She's a VVIP whose name shouldn't be disclosed," one man in a black suit interrupted.

This woman could protest no more, so smiling at her was the least that I could do before this man led me the way inside without anyone noticing us since all he was doing as we entered the hall was using his masculine body as my cover.

"Who sent you?" I asked and grabbed a drink when one of the waitresses passed by.

"Mr. Keaton." He accompanied me upstairs, which had dim light and without anyone around. "Kindly wait here. Please make sure to refrain from causing a scene, especially since Mr. Keaton is not here to protect you from any harm."

"Who will protect whom?" I whispered and finished the white wine as I sat on an empty seat. I could see everyone from here, but the people I'd been longing to see weren't around.

He hurriedly jogged downstairs as the party was about to start. Without making any commands, he made sure that I had been taken care of. Most of the time, waiters and waitresses would ask how I was doing and will serve me food na hindi ko naman binabalak galawin.

I didn't know what I was feeling, pissed probably, and bored. Grandfather was trying to butt in my business which was what I hated.

Some family members on my mother's side decided to stop doing that thing—murdering, illegal gambling, and such. Except for grandfather. He's traveling around the world to do illegal, and now, he wanted to settle in the Philippines just because he would benefit the most from me.

That old hag. Shouldn't he at least plan for his upcoming burial? He's too old, but he's still greedy for money and power.

I poured another glass of wine. Finally, the mayor, who has been greeting every VIP guest, showed his presence.

"She's too young," I heard him say before approaching me. "I only hear about you, but your help contributes a lot to winning this campaign."

I stood to acknowledge him as we shook each other's hands. "You see, you don't even need to campaign and such. It's just a waste of money and effort. I can make you this country's president if you ask me. That's just a flick of my finger." I then winked at him.

Zero Seven (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now