"As a first responder, it's our job to risk our lives to help others. One mistake can impact many, which I know you're aware of on the job," Caleb said to me.

"Yes, Captain," I answered.

"Both of you have the ability and attitude for the job. You understand the different scenarios. Your test scores range in the ninety percentile range. I want to make sure the station operates like a well-oiled machine because people's lives depend on it," Caleb explained.

We nodded in agreement.

"Now, if I can get the rest of the crew in-line, then we're doing better," Caleb mentioned.

Kaylee and I tried not to laugh. Caleb dismissed us, and we got up to leave. I walked out of the office with her.

"That went better than I thought it would," I mentioned.

"How did you think it would go?" Kaylee asked.

"Oh, you know, yelling and telling me I'm a screw-up," I answered, making Kaylee laughed.

The thing about Caleb, even though we're family. With the job, he kept it professional. You can't let emotions cloud your judgment as a first responder. People's lives depend on it.

Now to figure out a movie to see with Kaylee.

After I left the station, I went home and changed, then went to the bakery. I saw Pax and Shaun working.

"How did the testing go?" Pax asked, leaning on the counter as I walked towards him.

"It went well, although Cass needs to lie off the donuts," I answered.

Pax laughed.

"I thought about taking Kaylee to the movies tonight. I mentioned it casually to her," I mentioned as Shaun walked over to us. "I figure it's less pressure."

"Does it worry you she'll say no?" Pax asked me.

"No," I hesitated.

Pax gave me a look.

"Okay, yeah, it does," I sighed.

"Presley, you worry too much like your brother," Shaun said, giving Pax a knowing look. Pax rolled his eyes. "If Kaylee didn't like you, she wouldn't have gone on a date with you."

"Yeah, I know, but I don't want to screw this up. It's not like I have the best history with women," I reasoned.

"No, shit. Didn't Grammy Pat make you write an essay about acting like a lothario?" Pax asked.

"Unfortunately," I mumbled.

"Plus, you always chased skirt. Parker had to rescue you from some chick's father, ruining his date and burning down the bakery," Pax reminded me.

"Wait. You dated chicks before coming out of the closet, if I remember correctly," I rebuked Pax.

"Yeah, but I did nothing with those girls - big difference. Plus, I was figuring out my sexuality. Stop changing the subject tool," Pax told me.

"Are you afraid that if you move too fast that you will repeat the same mistakes with Kaylee that you did with Eliza?" Shaun asked me.

"Mistakes? Oh, no, this boy made whoppers with Eliza, claiming he was acting friendly with other girls. It took her dumping his stupid ass to figure his shit out, unlike Payton, who did that shit on purpose," Pax answered, rolling his eyes.

"Payton and I aren't alike," I told Pax.

"No, you are worse," Pax retorted. "It took a girl to rebuff Payton to get him to change his ways. It takes angry fathers to chase you down, and you still act the same."

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