i love you.

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hi babies!

hope you're all doing well and staying safe , not doing anything silly ♡. i hope you're feeling good and not down :/ this is the worst time I've experienced in my 16 years of living , my GCSE's got cancelled! it felt like i had been betrayed of my future. it's totally messed up my college plans and the fact a random day in March was the end of my secondary school was a massive shock. It felt like I was loosing someone close to me. Anyways

This book isn't going anywhere , and like I've previously said I'm growing out of writing about silly girls and kissing!! I still adore shawn mendes but now romanticise about tik tokers ;) I wanted to come on here to say this WILL BE THE END OF THE FAMILY FRIEND and to those who know it as the stepbrother you'll have a big place in my heart! I've always wanted to write something with 100 views I wanted people to see my writing and think she's good ( which you guys OBVS do ) and to think 60000 people have read my book or whatever this is , is so mad. Little 11 year old me would be estatic , but how about if I wrote more darker and not a fan fiction of my baby shawn. A more down to Earth teenage drama , with darkness.



until next time
tigs xxxx

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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