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so you know i said this chapter was a dream well that's a lie , i am blessed to have 35 veiws oh my god. y'all deserve a proper entertaining chapter not a filler so i present you with chapter three.

yet again. i woke up to not only people shouting but the smell of weed , filling my nose. fuck sake shawn.

why did mother say he could stay and ' look ' after me. doesn't bloody babysit me , just fucks girls and has big parties.

really a god damn party , just like last week . i roll over and pull the pillow over my face. when an amazing plan , lightens me up. no one said i wasn't invited to this party. let's show all these people who cass is.

my phone beeps , who the fuck is texting me at what twelve o clock at night. i sit up slowly , dodging head rush , and take my phone of charge. carefully as my back still tings if pain.

the brightness makes me squint my eye , and the time was reasonably early. 11 : 20 .

I shoot outa bed , and check my hair. seeing as it's stick straight all i nedd is an outfit and some makeup. i giggled to myself damn where did all this confidence come from oh my god.

i insisted on a short , bright red bodycon dress. that freya picked out for me a couple months ago.

the material was soft in my hand , and putting it on felt like heaven. quite surprisingly it actually looked nice on. made me actually look like i had a curve in my body that looked okay. my tummy , not as big as normal.

makeup! i opened my draw and picked up some mac foundation , freya leant me.

thank god , i used to wear a cake face of makeup in year 7 and i mean it looked quite okay.

i applied foundation and some powder.  done my eyebrows a little bit and some nude eyeshadow.

the music downstairs getting louder , the door opening more and people's laughing louder.

i finished my makeup  , and appreciated my self in the mirror. a big deep breath fills my lungs. my eyeliner sharp.

i smile , put some black heels on and saunter out of my room. the lights where flashing on and off and at the bottom of the stairs a few people mulled around. i knew , shawn would be in the kitchen drinking.

my sharp heels made a loud noise and everyone turned to me some turned back and carried on where some looked me up and down and whispered to there friends.

time to get cass on the road , my hips swang side to side. most men's stares made me that little bit more confident. i passed a boy a bit older then me and stole his drink , taking a big gulp. i gave it back to him and grabbed him by the arm. flipping my hair. now time to find shawn.

i had the guy at my arm and whispered in his ear " your going to go along with everything i say and ill give you £50 at the end of the night " i said giggling in his ear. feeling the drinks liquid take its toll.

my small hands were tight around , who evers arms it was. every one stared as we both made our way to the kitchen , i felt my small dress rise up about two inches below my ass , and took a deep breath. man im a sucker for deep breath takings.

i was the first to stop shawn his back towards me , from the looks of it he was looking at a girl and chatting to her. however , I could only see the back of him.

i looked at the guy opposite me nodding my head , plan 1 in action. this guy catches on fast.

shawn was about 3 metres away from me, the plan was to bump into him on the way to the drink stand behind the crowd of people with him.

that could be difficult oh well i thought better late nor never.

i started small conversation with who i found out to be brad.

as soon as people started noticing me they stared there glares literally pierced through me. i chuckled yeah this may happen but i won't get a glare my way monday at school.

he was in earshot now so i knew i had to give it my all , " come back to my room whne this shit is ended " i said loudly enough for both brad and most definitely shawn to hear.

i was waiting for him to turn around but he was too interested in this girl flinging herself at him.

time to bump into him.

i walked quite fast , to him and made sure my arm should bump him. i told ben or brad whatever his name was to push me into him. gentle though.

i was basically a inch behind him and brad nudged me , my shoulder hit against his back.

all of a sudden , i lost my feeting. you know that moment when you think your gonna die. well i had one of thoughts. before someone's arms where tightly around my body.

" cassidy " a very angry and dominant voice spoke or should i say bellowed at me. i winced oh god cass.

" shawn what are you doing here " i tried to giggle it off in attempt to sound drenched in alcohol but really only happened to be under the influence of a sip or two.

he placed me firmly on the floor , then used his eyes to basically fuck me. shawn take it down a notch. my face started burning and i ran a hand through my hair , smiling gently at him.

" cassidy dont bull shit me i know exactly why your down here , your meant to be asleep it's a sunday and you never go to parties " he said taking a hold of my upper arm. firmly so firm that it would of left marks.

he shook his head at one of his mates , i turned around to see brad but funny enough he had disappeared of the face of the earth.

" shawn ," i grunted in pain " my arm that hurts " i winced trying to shake it off.

his hand loosened but his face didn't.

oh god cassidy tonight is going to be fun. couldn't wait.

hi ,

had this drafted for like a week. oh my god we're getting views rappidly and we are on a like 462 on shawnpaulmendes. which I'm so happy about so please keep up the good work , vote and comment and save to your library <3

thank you all oh my god
teigs xxxxxxx

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