Chapter Forty Six-Without Me

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"I said I'd catch you if you fall
And if they laugh, then fuck 'em all (all)
And then I got you off your knees
Put you right back on your feet
Just so you could take advantage of me
Tell me how's it feel sittin' up there
Feeling so high but too far away to hold me
You know I'm the one who put you up there
Name in the sky
Does it ever get lonely?"

"Luke still hasn't agreed to the meetings" Alec whispered to me quietly as the crowd dispersed.
Alec had just given his first head of institute speech to announce the cabinet meetings. A few shadowhunters were unsure, as myself and Izzy heard. A few snappy words and they shrunk back. It was no secret that the entire institute were scared of myself and my parabatai.
"He'll come around," I started, "but I'm so proud of you"
Alec grinned softly with a small blush.
"Will you stay tonight?" He asked, gently laying his hand on my back and leading me into the weapons room where we were more concealed.
"Of course. I'll be right outside with Izzy if you need me" I responded, his lips connecting to mine quickly with a grin.
"You're the best" he smiled.
"I know"
"Okay, you look good" Izzy said as she straightened Alec's suit.
"More than good" I carried on as Alec blushed and Izzy shook her head slightly.
Alec was wearing a blue button up with a black suit, Izzy in a black sequin dress and myself in dark blue blazer and black and white striped pants.
"Thanks" Alec finally responded.
"You can't say anything considering I had to be with you and your exes the other night" I remarked as Izzy grinned.
Izzy was here to make the downworlders feel welcomed since she was pretty involved in two of the factions.

Meliorn stepped over, his gaze racking over Izzy in admiration.
"I must say, when I received your invitation, I was skeptical. I still am, though your sister's presence is always heartening" Meliorn began, smiling at Izzy as she smiled back.
"As is yours, Meliorn"
"Well tonight I hope to erase that skepticism" Alec welcomed, being polite towards the seelie.
Both shake hands as Izzy weaves away to meet with Raphael. As I shook Meliorn's hand, I chanced a look at Alec to see he was glaring at the vampire. Dropping the Seelie's hand, I slipped mine into Alec's and gave a comforting squeeze. With a smile, Meliorn excused himself as Brendon came up beside us.
"What're you doing here?" I asked, already knowing he was looking for an excuse to see Magnus.
"No...reason" he trailed off as the high warlock walked in.
"I think we've found the reason" Alec whispered.

"Lovely to see you Mr Lightwood" Magnus began, the pair shaking hands with a grin.
"And you, Mr Bane" Alec responded with sarcasm.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world. I have tremendous respect for the new head of the institute and generation of shadowhunters" Magnus said with a wink in Brendon's direction.
Rolling my eyes, Brendon leant forward and kissed the warlock.
"What? I'm just here wishing my boyfriend good luck" he shrugged with a grin.
"Are we like that?" I asked Alec as he chuckled at the loving pair.
"Yes" both Magnus and Brendon responded, creepily in unison.

Magnus and Brendon went into the conference room, the latter going to get Izzy who had dashed off with Raphael.
"You're gonna do great. Keep calm, collected and honest" I told Alec, using my free hand to brush his hair back neatly.
"Yeah...yeah, everything will be fine" he told himself, breathing out as I smiled at his cuteness.
"At least your don't have Maryse lurking around and scaring the living hell out of you" I joked, my words still being completely true.
I did feel sympathy for Maryse, nobody deserved to be cheated on. Well, maybe some. But she definitely didn't. It still didn't change the fact I was terrified and her being here, in the institute, just put me on edge.
"She doesn't hate you" Alec tried to reassure.
"Are you sure?" I asked with a hint of a frown but also a sarcastic tone.
"Yeah...I think with dad she's just a bit more...on edge?" He questioned.

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