Chapter Twenty One-Rewrite The Stars ✓

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"What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours
-Zac Efron and Zendaya

"I pulled every item of magical importance from Ragnor's belongings. But I can't determine which will lead to the Book of the White" Magnus explained as we looked over Ragnor's things on the table.
I watched as Alec slung his suit jacket off, dumping it on a chair.
"Wait this bookmark," I mumbled whilst picking it up to inspect closer, "Clary look"
The redhead walked around the table, her eyes lighting up in recognition.
"We've seen it before. In the alternate dimension you showed us a book of spells and this was in it. It must have the Book of the White" Clary exclaimed, smiling at me as I smiled back.

Alec rose a brow at the alternate dimension part. We didn't really get around to explaining much about that.
"If that's the case, we can use the bookmark to track the owner of the book" Alec mumbled, placing his hands on the table.
I could tell he was tired and we certainly weren't out of the clear. Only one problem had been solved, and it was probably at the bottom of the list to be solved. That was our relationship drama, but I think Izzy would disagree.
"Okay" Jace said shortly.
Jace goes to take the bookmark out of my hands before Magnus snatches it.
"A please would be nice" I remarked bitterly.
Magnus send me a glance, waving me off.
"Warlock tracking is stronger" he dismissed.

Jace rolled his eyes as I smirked slightly. It was always refreshing to see someone put Jace in his place. Magnus closes his eyes, concentrating to find the book or owner.
"Well there's good news and bad news. The good news is I know the owner. The bad? It's Camille" The warlock mumbled.
"Camille?" Clary questioned.
"Looks like Raphael has her locked up in the basement of the DuMort" Magnus sighed, this clearly being an impossible task.
"Well, after I punched her, there's no way she'll help me" Clary sighed in defeat.
"Which was badass, by the way" I reminded her as she smiled thankfully at me trying to lighten the mood.
After the last 10 minutes events, I was in a more positive mood.
"Yeah," Jace agreed, "but she won't have a choice. Trust me" Jace told her confidently.

Slowly but surely, the other three left the room so me and Alec were alone.
"I'm glad we got out of that crowd. I thought Maryse was going to kill me" I joked as Alec smiled.
"I won't let that happen" he whispered fondly, a smile matching the light in his eyes.
"You always surprise me" I mumbled, gazing at the rather nervous looking man in front me.
He smiled, it immediately dropping as we heard the familiar heels of doom coming into the room.

Turning, I saw Maryse and Robert. I decided to move back, slightly fearing for my life.
"What have you done Alec? To us? This family?"
Maryse asked, smoke almost bursting out of her ears from anger.
"This isn't about you" Alec replied, staring his mother down.
"Of course it is. You are either being selfish or naive. This wedding was your plan from the start. And now you have humiliated us in front of the most respected members of the Clave. I don't even recognize you anymore" Maryse sneered.
"I'm still the same person I've always been" He defended.
Maryse cast her burning gaze to me. If looks could kill, I would be dead.
"And all for a woman who just leaves her family" The eldest Lightwood woman commented before storming out again.
I felt an ache in my heart from that being brought up. I still felt awful about that. Maryse's opinion about me,I just knew, lowered because I abandoned her children.

"Just give her time" Robert encouraged.
"And you?" Alec asked his father.
"I know you two love each other. It's just...your past together. Her past...,"Robert trailed off quietly, "are you two in love?"
"Love? What? No, no. It's...uh. It's uh...something different. It's not..." Alec stuttered helplessly.
I walked over, linking my arm through Alec's and sent him a reassuring smile.
"It's all very new" I cut in calmly, not taking offensive to his rambling.
"Right...I better go check on mom" he mumbled before leaving.

Alec sighed, staring after his father. I squeezed his arm gently.
"You know what I just realised? We haven't gone on our first date yet" I told Alec.
He smiled slightly, turning to look at me.
"Yeah you're right. You wanna... I don't know, get a drink sometime?" Alec asked.
"Very chivalrous Lightwood, I'd love that"
Alec smiled slightly, biting his lip out of nerves.
"She can't stay mad forever, can she?" I questioned.
"You do know my mother, don't you?" Alec retorted as I chuckled.

"Our sister grew a pair!" I heard a voice yell.
Rolling my eyes, i turned towards the doorway to see all of my brothers. The voice belonged to Joe.
I heard Alec chuckle slightly as I pouted. I unlinked my arm from Alec's and stepped forward to them.
"You still haven't came to see me" Kevin teased as I hugged him.
"If you haven't noticed, I've been busy" I shrugged.
"I heard. Your dimension travels? Going against the clave? Disappearing and maybe not be seen again?" Kevin listed, his big brother mode coming in full swing.

When our parents died, Kevin took his mother role very seriously when it came to us three.
"Yeah...sorry?" I offered.
"Did I forget to mention the almost dying from demon venom?" Nick added.
"You almost died? Did nobody think to inform me!" Kevin seethed.
"Oops" Joe whispered.
"You're here for literally a month" he whispered to himself.
"I just live an exciting life" I shrugged.
"I'm sure, considering the show you two put on, which if you haven't noticed, Maryse is furious about" Nick explained.
"Trust us, we know" Alec cut in.
"How you both aren't dead is beyond me" Joe said.
I shrugged, agreeing wholeheartedly.
"Well, I'm proud of you both. Takes a lot to do, especially at a wedding" Kevin said with a smile.
"Tell me the truth, does she want me dead?" I questioned whilst we walked through the hallway to find Lydia.
What she did for us...for Alec, there's nothing in this world I could do to repay her.
"Well...hard to say. I've never seen them so angry" Alec shrugged.
"Just give them time" I told him.
"That's nice to say, but after what I did, death will come sooner" he replied.
"Don't underestimate a parents love. You don't regret it, do you?" I questioned, fearful for his answer.
"Everything just happened so fast. I didn't have time to think. I just wanna make sure Lydia's okay. I owe her so much" Alec said.

That slightly stung. He probably regretted it. Now his parents hate him because of me. This is what I feared, what I didn't want.
"Yeah...we owe her so much" I whispered, a sad tone to my voice.
Alec didn't seem to notice as he pushed the head office door open, a horrendous view meeting us.
"Lydia!" Alec gasped as he rushed to her, hopefully, unconscious body.
A table was smashed under her weight, blood seeping from her head.
"Go get help" he rushed.

Without I second thought, I spun on my heel and ran into Izzy.
"Lydia's been hurt. In the study!" I exclaimed.
Her eyes widened before she joined me. Gathering a medic and a few other shadowhunters, we rushed back to the study where Alec was comforting an injured Lydia.

I put a hand on Alec's shoulder comfortingly, pulling him away so the medic could get to him.
"She'll be okay Alec" I whispered reassuringly.
"God, I hope so" he mumbled guiltily.

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