Chapter Twenty-Lovebug ✓

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"Now I'm speechless, over the edge
I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this love bug again"
-Jonas Brothers

"Now I'm speechless, over the edgeI'm just breathlessI never thought that I'd catch this love bug againHopeless, head over heels in the momentI never thought that I'd get hit by this love bug again"-Jonas Brothers

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"Poor Magnus" I whispered as myself, Clary and Jace looked at the monitors.
"I know...I can't believe that Shax demon got through" Clary whispered sympathetically.
We just got back from Ragnor Fell's house in London. To say it went horrible was an understatement. A Shax demon followed us, killing poor Ragnor. I can imagine Magnus was beside himself.
"Jace, you're coming to Alec's bachelor party, right?" Izzy questioned, clearly not sensing the sad, tense atmosphere.
"No. He doesn't want me there, and I'm swamped" Jace lied, not taking his eyes away from the monitor.
"You two seriously haven't worked things out yet?" Izzy questioned, rolling her eyes.
"You're asking that about two of the most stubborn people we know?" I asked Izzy, earning as slight shoulder bump from Jace playfully.
I smiled, briefly seeing the old Jace. That little blonde demon that pulled pranks and-...demon maybe wasn't the best term to use.

"There's nothing to work out. If he wants to talk...we'll talk" Jace shrugged as Izzy sighed slightly, a determined look filling her eyes.
"He's your parabatai" I reminded him.
Jace ignores me, his eyes trained on something else. I followed his gaze across the room, seeing him staring at Lydia.
"We have more important things going on than a bachelor party. Come with me" Jace snapped quietly, walking to another room.

We followed the blonde to a room with nobody in, basically deserted.
"We have a mole in the institute" Jace spoke.
"We were attacked by a Shax demon when we went to see Ragnor Fell" Clary further explained as Izzy looked with slightly wide eyes.
"The attack couldn't have been a coincidence. Valentine must have been tracking us" I joined in.
"You don't think someone in the institute told Valentine where you were going?" Izzy asked.
"There's no other explanation" Clary whispered.
The reality of everything was sad, someone defiantly did this.
"No one here would betray us like that. This is our family" Izzy defended, denying the truth.
Jace glanced around again, looking towards Lydia through the open door.

"So, did it work?" I questioned Izzy.
"I think so. Neither have came back up and it's been fifthteen minutes" Izzy replied, glancing around wearily.
She had tricked her brothers into going into the basement to reconcile their strained bond.
"Should I send my brothers?" I questioned as she thought for a second and nodded.
"Need to know they haven't killed each other" she sighed, clearly stressed.
"You're doing amazing amazing job, Iz" I told her.
She smiled in return before I walked to the hallway to send my brothers into a potential murder crime scene.

"Don't worry, they'll only be trying to kill each other" Izzy dismissed as I brought Joe and Nick back to the basement door.
They opened it, being greeted by silence.
"It's eerie. The last few days all they've been doing is arguing" Nick commented.
"The silence is just scary" Joe said.
"You're not kids, go" I pushed them down the dark staircase.

It was an hour before the wedding and I was sat in Magnus' apartment, debating whether I should go.
"You're going, moonlight" Magnus called, putting a martini in my hand.
I smiled in thanks, taking a sip.
"I can't not go, can I?" I questioned, exasperated.
"Not really" he sighed.
I frowned, necking my drink before Magnus magicked a refill.
"It's going to be hard, but you're strong" Magnus said with a smile.
"Thanks Magnus. He's my family, whatever he does" I sighed.

Standing up, I left to the spare bedroom to start the long task of getting ready. I slipped on my dress, did my hair and makeup then slipped on my heels. I stood up, looking at myself in the mirror whilst flattening my dress. I was trying to delay the inevitable. Maybe waiting long enough, Magnus will just either leave or not make me go.
"Moonlight, you look gorgeous don't worry," the warlock reassured, "you know the wedding will have started now? Let's go" he urged as I nodded.
One final look in the mirror, I gave a once over before taking Magnus outstretched arm and linked it.

I shoved the door open, Magnus right beside me. The wedding had started, so it would be awkward enough coming in. We were quiet enough, only heads at the back turning at the back briefly. I looked at Alec, all handsome in his white suit. He was staring at Lydia in a beautiful wedding gown, before looking at us. A silent brother was stood behind with a staff, an angelic rune in metal on the top. Maryse turned to see what her son was looking at, her eyes connecting to myself and Magnus. She looked furious at either Magnus being here or us disrupting. She stood up to protest as Magnus walked forward, silencing her before walking away.

Alec turned to Lydia, exchanging a few quiet words. He looked nervous yet determined. Before I even realised it, he stepped from the alter and strides over to where I'm standing. Maryse tries to stop him before Alec puts his hands up.

"What're you-..." I whispered before he connected his lips to mine.

His lips briefly disconnected before reconnecting softly

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His lips briefly disconnected before reconnecting softly. I could feel all eyes on us but I didn't care, I couldn't bring myself to care. This felt so much better, so much more real than the alternate universe. I felt butterflies in my stomach, my knees weak, everything those chest romantic novels said. It was all real. And it felt amazing.

His lips disconnected, much to my disappointment.
"Wow...just- wow..." I whispered breathlessly as the panic rose to Alec's face.
"Yeah...What have I just done?" He asked quietly.
Out the corner of my eye, I saw Maryse watching on with anger.
To be fair, we just embarrassed her in front of a lot of clave representatives. She glared at us, storming out as Robert followed. The crowds began their own conversations relatively quickly as Alec backed away slightly, but not a lot.

Izzy almost ran up to her, ready to squeal and go into fangirl mode.
"Alec, I'm so proud of you," she said as a fond smile adorned her face, "the both of you"
Simon and Magnus walked over, both smiling happily.
"Guys, that was incredible. It was like watching the live version of The Graduate. You know, the Dustin Hoffman movie? The amazing one?  You were Ben. "Elaine!" And you were Elaine. I mean, a taller, masculine, handsome version of her. But the altar, though, you were like, "Ben!" And then... and then now, you're both sitting on the bus at the end of the movie, both totally stoked, but wondering, like "What are we gonna do now?" You know?" Simon ranted.
Alec looked confused, eyeing the vampire up.
"Who invited the vampire?" He asked.
"Be nice...thank you all for being supportive" I said with a kind smile.
"Of course, but tonight I'm not here just for you two to finally admit your undying love, shockingly" Magnus remarked.

Magnus walked over to Clary and Jace, beckoning myself and Alec to follow. Alec's warm hand pressed to my back, urging me forward. We fell into a steady pace next to each other, Alec's hand not leaving my back. I smiled lightly, still feeling a tingle from the kiss. My fingers fiddled with my necklace, a habit I had developed recently.

(A/N:So first real kiss! Things are going to get a bit more romantic now. I skipped out going to see Ragnor because its kinda pointless to the story really. Plus, I wanted to get to the wedding scene quicker. You'll notice some scenes that Selena should be in aren't there just because they aren't important, sorry.

Lovebug~Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now