Chapter Twenty Five-Just Hold On ✓

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"What do you do when a chapter ends?
Do you close the book and never read it again?
Where do you go when your story's done?
You can be who you were or who you'll become
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, if it all goes wrong
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, darling just hold on"
-Steve Aoki, Louis Tomlinson
"Aldertree said he wanted to rescue Jace" Clary states, clearly confused.
"Of course he did" i grumbled to myself, in a horrible mood from the events of today.
"Actually Clary, I said I wanted to find him. And you gave me the clue I needed to do just that" he said, seemingly pleased with himself.
"What did you tell him?" Alec sneered, turning to the frightened redhead.
"Alec, I-" she began before Clary was cut off.
"Is this everyone? Fantastic. First up, all Downworlders are forbidden from entering the Institute without my prior approval. For those still present, good day," he smirked whilst turning to the taller man, "Mr. Graymark..."
"I'm not leaving Jocelyn," he protested as they looked at each other lovingly, "besides, my badge gives access to resources that you don't have. I can help you find Jace"
Aldertree looked like he was almost going to laugh at the proposition.
"That's generous of you, but I'm going to have to insist" Aldertree carried on.

There was clearly no way Luke was going to win this argument.
"Call me when you can" he sighed.
"Yeah" she replied shortly.
"You too...Simon. Simon right?" He asked, turning to the vampire.
"It's almost dawn. I have nowhere to go" Simon protested.
"Hey, you're a smart guy. I'm sure you'll figure something out" Aldertree almost smirks, like he wanted Simon to go up in flames.
"Simon, come on" Luke urged.
At least Luke would get him home, or somewhere else, safe.
"I'll be okay" Simon told Clary as she nodded to herself.
The pair of downworlders leave, rather reluctantly.
" Now, let's get to it. I've reviewed your statements, along with the reports of your unsanctioned missions. And I can come to no other conclusion that Jace Wayland is a traitor to the Clave" he claps almost happily.

This man was up to something, something evil. He was trying to get Jace killed, he was trying to get us to fall in line obediently. Well to hell with that.
"Jace is not a traitor" Alec denied.
"Point of fact. Clary said Jace called to warn you about Valentine's trap, which got me thinking... Jace had multiple chances to kill Valentine, but he chose to let him leave. Now, Valentine, Jace, and the Cup are missing. Do the math" he stated towards Alec.
In all fairness, I had to agree. I was slightly biased because I knew Jace but it was true. Jace could've killed Valentine, many times. Although I didn't like Aldertree and he was stringing unrelated facts together, it kinda made sense, from his perspective. That didn't mean Jace was a criminal. He was...overwhelmed.

"There is no way we're gonna help you hunt Jace" Clary states suddenly
"And I'd never ask you to. You and your friends are prohibited from any further involvement for the hunt for Jace Wayland" He said, almost tauntingly.
"What?" Izzy asked, appalled.
"The rest of you, back to work. I'm lifting the lockdown on the Institute, except for Clary and Jocelyn," he told everyone before speaking slightly quieter, "Given your relationship to Valentine and Jace, I wanna keep a close eye on you"
"This is ridiculous" the redhead complained.
"Clary-" Jocelyn started, grabbing her daughter's arm.
"No we cannot just sit around! Okay they're gonna kill Jace, your son" she said, turning into more of a whisper.
"I know you think you understand this world, but you don't" Jocelyn hissed, keeping her daughter under wraps.
"Dismissed!" He boomed.

I watched as Alec and Izzy followed Aldertree, more than likely pleading to revoke the order.
"Clary, it'll be okay" I told her, Jocelyn sending me a glance.
"What if they get him?" She questioned.
Alec and Izzy walked back over, downhearted expressions on their faces.
"Look, my brothers are still searching. Aldertree has no reason to take them off the mission. They'll do what they can to find Jace before anyone else" I explained.
She still looked down, but not completely hopeless.
"At least that's something" Izzy shrugged.

"Clary, this is a bad idea" I told her.
"I know, that's why you and Izzy are covering" she said with a smile.
"Can't you just leave it to my brothers? You could risk getting de-runed" I whispered.
"Selena, you've all done so much for me. I can't always rely on others. That's why I'm tracking Jace on my own" she said.
"It's a good job I've grown to like you" I told her with a smile, giving the red head a hug.
"Thank you" she said as she glamoured herself as Aldertree.
"That's unnerving" I stared as she, well he, chuckled.
"Wish me luck" she said, aldertree's voice filling my ears.
"Yeah go before you get spotted or you give me nightmares" I urged as she rolled her eyes then left.

Luckily, we left Izzy on real Aldertree watch so Clary could slip out without anyone realising it was her. If she ran into the real Aldertree, that would be awkward. Thankfully, he was hauled up in his office.
"Hey" I heard a voice.
Turning, I saw Nick and Joe.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked, turning to look at them across the empty training room.
"We saw what you did" Nick said with a disappointing look.
"Nick..." I trailed off.
"We won't tell. Just make sure she doesn't get caught. We're already risking a lot telling you information about the develop of the 'hunt for Jace Wayland'" Joe mocked As I laughed.
"Which I couldn't thank you enough for, by the way" I told them.
"Yeah, yeah we're pretty great brothers" Nick shrugged as I rolled my eyes.
"Shouldn't you be getting back to LA? Head of institute and all" I said.
"I temporarily gave the position to a good friend down there until I decide to go back. Since this is going on, i thought you'd want the extra help" Nick explained as I nodded.

Alec walked in, looking slightly nervous and on edge. Though he had that look a lot recently. This time, I sensed he wanted to talk.
"You two go do something productive" I waved them off.
Seeing Alec, they nodded and made themselves scarce.
"Selena...I'm not good at apologises, as you know, but I'm really sorry" he admitted, avoiding my gaze.
"For?" I asked, playing dumb.
I knew perfectly what this was about. We both did.
"You were right. When I called off my wedding, I did that for me. Well a big part of it. But that doesn't mean some of it wasn't down to you. It's" he shrugged, struggling with the right words.
"I get it, I do"
"Look, with Jace missing, it's just like, the ground has shifted and I can't keep balance," he started before I tried to walk past, being interrupted by his arm grabbing my wrist, "I didn't mean to take it out on you. You've been so supportive and patient. I'm sorry"
"You're forgiven, just don't shut me out. We're in this together, don't forget that" I told him as he nodded.

He brought his arms around me, squeezing gently. Immediately, that sense of comfort came back that I'd missed.
"I've never realised how lucky I am" he mumbled.
"Yeah? Well don't be stupid again" I scolded lightly as he laughed.

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