Chapter Twenty Six-Toxic ✓

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The taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic I'm slippin' under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do
Don't you know that you're toxic?"
-Britney Spears

"Clary, please let me explain!" Jocelyn pleaded as she, Clary, Simon, Aldertree and a few other shadowhunters walked in.
"What the hell's going on?" I questioned Lydia.
"Clary snuck out" Lydia mumbled as I feigned shock.
Since Alec came back from Magnus' after trying to track Jace, he said he knew where he was. Himself and Izzy tried to plea to go find him but Aldertree just had them apprehended by some other shadowhunters. Clary had apparently been caught and something must've happened with Jocelyn as she was trying to talk with Clary as she ran off into the training room with Simon.
And just this whole ordeal, I had been training and hadn't even noticed till I emerged now.
"Lydia" Aldertree called putting, beckoning the said woman to follow.
"Good luck" I whispered.

"Well, tonight's been fun" Joe commented, walking over.
"What happened?" I questioned.
"Jocelyn found Jace and Valentine, tried to shoot Jace and kill him. Clary saw and stopped her but they got away" he explained, watching Aldertree and Lydia walk away.
"Wow...Lydia's really gonna get it in the neck for this" I mumbled, feeling semi bad for the woman.
I couldn't say I liked her, but what she did at the wedding and Izzy's trial was more than I could ever ask.
"Probably" he shrugged.

"Everything feels like it's gone to shit" I told my parabatai as we walked the hallways.
"Tell me about it. We could've had him back if Aldertree just-...!" She grumbled before I stopped her, putting a hand on her arm.
"Iz, getting angry won't solve anything. Plus, that's kinda Alec's job. I can't handle two angsty, anger-filled Lightwoods" I told her, trying to ease the tension.

Ever since the two Lightwoods had found out about Jocelyn's little assassination attempt, they weren't exactly happy. I knew Jocelyn was scared of Jace but that was no reason to try shoot him. I couldn't imagine a mother wanting to do that to her son, especially from the way Clary described her mother.
"I had nothing to do with that, Alec. I would never hurt Jace!" We heard a familiar female voice.
"Since you've arrived, you've caused nothing but problems. My family lost their birthright. Izzy was almost deruned. Selena almost died from demon venom. And now Valentine has my parabatai. And it's all because of you" the eldest Lightwood's voice cut through the air sharply.

Stepping into the training room, we saw Alec and Clary staring each other down.
"Alec" Izzy called, trying to snap him out of it.
"I'm sorry" Clary continued.
"Alec, this isn't her fault" i carried on, trying to diffuse the situation.
Tensions were already high, we didn't need another argument to blow up.
"When are you gonna realise that you don't belong here? You never have" he spat at her before walking out.
"Alec" Izzy sighed, giving me a glance before rushing out after her brother.

"Clary" I called as she turned to me, tears in her eyes.
"He's right, isn't he? I don't belong here" she said, throwing her arms up in defeat.
"He's just angry and on edge. Don't listen to him, of course you belong here" I told her.
"Just...I need to be alone" she murmured before walking off.

"There's a clear pattern. Young, strong, highly-skilled fighters, all abducted from boxing clubs, dojos and gyms," Lydia spoke to the institute before Clary rushed in, "Valentine must've realized that even with the Cup, creating Shadowhunters isn't easy. He needs mundanes who are more likely to survive the conversion"
"When did the briefing start? Nobody told me" Clary whispered as she walked over to us.
"That wasn't an accident" Izzy told her quietly as I glanced at Alec.
He still looked tense and angry, I just wish we could get Jace back to give him some relief.

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